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单词 put
释义 put1 /pot; put/ vi, vt (pt, pp put, pres part -N-) (For special uses with adverbial particles and PS, → 11 below.) (与副词接语及介词连用的特殊用法,参看下列第 11 义。) 1 [VP6A, 15A] move (sth) so as to be in a certain place or position: 置放于某处; 使处于某种位置: He put the book on the table. 他把书放在桌子上。 He put his hands in(to) his pockets. 他把手肢在口袋中。 He put the corpse down the well. 他把尸体拗进井中 you put milk in my tea? 你在我的茶中加了牛奶吗? It's time to put the baby to bed. 是让婴儿睡觉的时候了。 Will you please put (— sew) a patch on these trousers? 请为这条补子补缀一块布好吗 7 → He put (= fastened) a new handle to the knife. 他给刀子装上新柄。 He put (= pushed) a knife into me/be-my ribs. 他把刀刺进我的身体(刺进我的肋骨间)。 I'll put a bullet through your head, kill you. 我将以子弹射穿你的脑袋。 They've put a satellite into orbit round Mars. 他们已将一人造卫星射进围绕火星的轨道。 They've put men on the moon. 他们已把人类丞上育球。 He put (= pushed) his fist through the window, broke it by doing this. 他用拳头击破窗子。 He put his pen through the word, struck the word out. 他用钢笔删掉那个字。 put pen to paper, start writing. 开始写。 put one's foot in it, cfoot'(1). 2 [VP15A] cause (sb/oneself) to be in some relationship, eg as an employee, client, with sb. 使(某人,自己)与某人有某种关系(如成尽雇员,雇客等)。 put oneself/sth in/into sb's hands, let him deal with one's problems, etc: 把自己(某事)交给某人处理; 托付: I put myself entirely in your hands. 我把自己完全托付给你。 I shall put the matter into the hands of my solicitors. 我将把此事交给几位律师去处理。 put sb in his (proper) place, make him humble. 使某人谦専。 put oneself in sb's/sb 'else's position, imagine oneself in his position: 设身处地; 站在他人的立场设想: How would you feel (about the matter) ?—Just put yourself in my/her position! 你(对这事) 作何感想? —— 只要站在我(她)的立场设,想就行了! 3 [VP14] make sb bear (the particular nervous or moral strain indicated). 使某人承受(精神或道德的蜓力)。 put the blame on sb, blame him: 归咎于某人: Don't put all the blame on me. 不要完全亩咎 kfto put pressure on sb (to do 0th), strongly urge him: 对某人施哒力迫使: They're putting great pressure on him (= pressing him hard) to resign. 他们对他大施哒力迫他辞职。 (a) strain on sb/sth, make him/it suffer from hard work or use: 使某人(某物)不胜负荷: All this work is putting a great strain on him. 所有这些工作使他不胜负荷。 4 [VP15A] affect the progress of. 影响…的萨展。 put an end/a stop to sth, end or abolish it. 结束或废除某事物。 put an end to one's life, commit suicide, 自会。 put the brake(s) on sth, (fig, colloq) slow it down. (喻, 俗)使缓慢。 5 [VP15A] cause to pass into or suffer the emotional, physical etc state indicated by the phrase that follows. 使成为…状态; 使遭受感情或身体上的某种情况。 put oneself to death, commit suicide. 自杀。 put sb to death, kill him. 杀死或处死某人。 put sb at his ease, cause him to feel relaxed, free from anxiety, etc. 使某人感到自在,不紧张; 使放心。 put sb to (great) expense, cause him to spend (a lot). 使某人花(很多)钱。 put sb to (great) inconvenience, cause him (great) inconvenience. 使某人感到(极为)不便。 put sb to the indignity of doing sth, cause him to do sth involving loss of dignity. 使某人忍辱做某事。 put sb in mind of sb/ sth, recall or remind him of sb/sth. 使某人想起 (某人或某事物)。 put sb/sth out of his/its misery, relieve him/it of anxiety, pain, etc; kill (eg an animal in pain). 解除某人(某动物)的焦虑、痛苦等; 使解脱; 杀死(痛苦的动物等)。 put sb on (his) oath, make sb swear on oath; bind him to tell the truth. 使某人立誓或说实话。 put sb/sth to the test, test him/it. 考验某人(某事物)。 put sb in the wrong, cause him to appear to be wrong. 嫁祸于某人; 归咎于某人。 6 [VP22] cause sb/sth to become (what is indicated by the adj): 使某人(某事物)成… 样子(根据下面所接形容词所表示的状态) That picture on the wall is crooked—I must put it straight. 墙上那幅证挂歪了 —— 我必须把它摆正 t sth r/gAt,correct it: 纠正某事:工 short note put the matter right, ended any misunderstanding. 一封短函把这件事解释淸楚了。 put sb right/straight, correct an error he has made; give him correct information: 改正某人的错误; 告诉某人正确的消息: We had taken a wrong turning, but a policeman put us right,> told us which way to go. 我们转错了骨,但一位警察指示了我们正确的方向。 7 [VP15A] write; indicate; mark: 如; 指出; 标明: put a tick against a name/a price on an article/one's signature to a will. 在名字旁边勾一下(在一件物品上标明价码; 在遗嘱上签字)。 8 [VP14] put sth to sb: put it to sb (that), submit; propound; express: 里交; 提出; 表示:辨 r a proposal to the Board of Directors; 而茂市仓提出一建 , put a question to the vote/a resolution to the meeting. 将问题付诸表决(将议案提交会议讨论)。 I put it to you that.. ., invite you to agree with me that.... 彳出请你同意…。 You have put the case very clearly. 你已把这事情解释得很淸楚。 Put it submit the matter) to her so as not to offend her. 把这事情交给她以免使她不快。 How can / put it, express it? 我该怎样说牙好呢? How would you put (= express, translate) this in Danish? 这个意思在丹麦语里怎么说? That can all be put in a few words. 那件事可以用简单几句话说明白。 Please put all questions to the chairman. 请向主席提出所有的问题。 put the question, question1 (2). 9 [VP14] put a price/value/valuation on sth, state or estimate the value: 估计某物的价銭 (价値,评价): The experts refused to put a price on the Rubens painting. 专家们拒绝估计鲁宾斯的画的价钱。 What value do you Put on her advice? 你对她的建议做何评价? sth at (a figure), say that, eg sb's age, sth's value, weight, is: 估计作 (后接数目字,如表示年龄,价値,重量): I would put her age at about sixty. 我猜测她的年龄大约是六十岁。 I put her fur coat at £200. 我估计她的皮外衣値二百镑。 10 [VP6A] throw with an upward and outward movement of the arm. 以胳臂向上并向前抛掷。 put the shot. shot,(3). Hence, 由此产生, 'shot-put n this as an event at an athletic meeting. 推铅球 (为运动会的项目之一) 。 II [VP15B, 2C, 14] (special uses with adverbial particles and preps) : (与副词接语及介词连用的特殊用法): put (a ship) about, (cause to) change direction: (使) (船) 改变方向: The captain put the ship about. 船长改变了船的航行方向。 put oneself about, (chiefly Scots) trouble, distress, oneself: (主要用于苏格兰) 使自己烦恼, 痛苦 He was very much put about by these false allegations. 他甚为这些伪纬所苦恼。 put sth about, spread, eg rumours: 散布 (如谣言): Don't believe all these stories that are being put about. 不要相信所看道些谣传。 put sth across (to sb), a communicate sth successfully: 使 (某人) 了解或接受某事物; 沟通: a teacher who quickly puts his ideas across to his students. 很快和学生沟通观念的敎师。 b (colloq) make a success of: (俗) 使获费成功: Put a business deal across (more usu through). 使一桩交易成功 (through 比 across 常用) 。 put sth across sb, (colloq) deceive; trick: (畚) 攻骗; 欺菴: You can't put that across me, make me believe or accept it. 你不能骗我接受 (相信) 那件事。 put sth aside, a lay down: 放下: put aside one's book; 把书放下; put one's work aside. 把工作搁下。 b save: 储蓄: He has put aside a good sum of money. 他已经储蓄了很多钱。 c disregard; ignore: 不顾; 忽视: Put aside for a moment the fact that the man has been in prison. 暂时先别管那人钟坐牢的事。 put sth away, a put in the usual place of storage, eg a drawer, box: 将某物放置于惯常保存之处 (如抽屉,盒子): Put your books/toys away. 把你的书 (玩具) 收好。 b save: 储存; 储蓄: put money away for one's old age. 为老年而储蓄。 c (colloq) eat or drink (to excess) : (俗) (过度地) 吃成喝: How can that boy put away so much pie and ice-cream? 那个男孩如何能吃那么多馅饼和冰滋淋呢? d give up; renounce: 放弃; 弃绝: He's had to put away all ideas of becoming a concert pianist. 他只律放弃做佩琴演奏家的一切念头。 put sb away, a (colloq) put into confinement, eg in a mental home: (俗) 囚禁; 监禁 (如囚于精神病院): He was acting so strangely that he had to be put away. 他的行为十分怪异,所以不得不被禁铜起来。 b (colloq, of pets) put to death (because of age, illness): (俗,指宠爱的动物) (因年老或疾病而被) 弄死: The dog was so old and weak that it had to be put away. 这只狗既老且病,所以不得不把鞄弄死。 put back, (naut) return: (航海) 归来: The ship/ We put back to harbour. 族茧 (我们) 回到港内。 put sth back, a replace: 放回原处: Put the reference books back on the shelf when you've finished with them. 参考书看完后放回原来的书架。 b move backwards: 向后移; 灵回: That clock is fast; I'd better put it back five minutes, move the minute hand back. 那钟太快了, 我最好投回五分钟。 c (fig) check the advance of, cause delay to: (喻) 阻碍; 阻止; 使迟滞: put back the efforts of the reformers. 阻碍改革家们的努力。 The strike at the car factory put back production badly. 汽车工厂的罢工大大妨碍了生产。 put sth by, save for future use: 为将来而储蓄: Has she any money put by? 她有没有布魏? put (sth) down, a land: (E) RR: He put down (his glider) in a field. 他在原野中降落 (他的滑翔机) 。 b set or place down: 放下: Put down that gun! 把枪放下! c press down: 按下; 压下; 踩下: When you get on the motorway, you can really put your foot down, press the accelerator pedal down. 当你到了高速公路上时,就可真正地踩下油门。 put one's foot down, cfoot1 (1). d place in storage: 储藏: put down eggs, eg by packing in isinglass. 把蛋储蔵起来 (如放于鱼豚中) 。 He has put down a good supply of port and claret. 他已经储藏了很多紫葡萄酒和红葡萄酒。 (研 suppress by force or authority: 镇击; 平定; 消除; 扑灭: put down a rebellion; 牧平叛乱; 〃如 down gambling and prostitution. 消除房博歧加妓。 f write down; make a note of: 扁下; 记卞: Here's my address-put it down before you forget it. 这京我的地址 —— 写下来,免得忘了。 put sb down, a allow to alight: 让 (某人) 下车: The bus stopped to put down passengers. 公共汽车停下来让乘客下车。 b snub; reduce to silence: 轻待; 奚落; 制止; 使沉默:〃如 down hecklers at a political meeting. 制止政洽会议上诘难的人。 Hence, 由此产生, 'put-down n snub. 轻待; 奚落。 c make humble: 使卑微; 度抑; 挫: (biblical) (圣经) put down the mighty from their seats. 降低强者的地位; 使强者谦恭。 put sb down as. consider that sb is: 认为某人是: They put me down as a fool. 他们认为我京个傻瓜。 put sb down for, write his name on a list as willing to give, eg to a charity or other fund: 登记名字认捐: You cart put me down for £5; 你可以写上我认捐五馆; put sb's name down as an applicant, participant, etc: 登记姓名 (如成为申请者、参与者等): They put him down for Eton/the school football team. 他们为他登记进入伊顿公学 (参加学校足球 I) o put sth down to sth, a charge to an account: 记在…帐上: Put the shoes down to my account. 把这双桂字盘在我的帐上。 You can put the cost of the petrol down to business expenses. 你可以把汽油的费用记在业务费用的帐下。 b attribute to: 归于; 谈于: The cholera outbreak was put down to bad drinking water. 那次霍乱的发生归因于不洁的饮水。 Can we put it down to his ignorance? 我们能把此事归因于他的无知吗? put sth forth, (formal) send out: (正式用语) 发出; 长出: The trees are putting forth new leaves. A 些树正在长出新叶子; ,' put sth forward, a advance; put before people for consideration: 提出; 建议: put forward a new theory. 提出一新理论。 b move on: 拨快: put forward the hands of a clock, eg when it is stopped or slow, (fin 时钟停或慢时) 拨快钟针。 put sb forward, propose: 推荐: put oneself/a friend forward as a candidate. 推荐自己 (一位朋友) 为候选人。 put in, exclaim (often as an interruption): 喊叫 (通常用于打岔); 插嘴: 'But what about us?' he put '可是我们怎么办?'他喊道。 put in/into, (naut) (of a boat, its crew) enter: (航海) (指船或水手) 进入; 驶进; 入港: The boat put in at Malta/put into Malta for repairs. 核船驶到马尔他修理。 put in for sth, apply formally for: 正式申请: put in for the position of manager. 申请经理之血位。 put in for leave, request permission to be absent from duty, work, etc. 请假。 put sth in, a cause to be in: 使在内: He put his head in at the window. 他从窗口把头伸进来。 b submit; present formally: 提出; 正式提呈: put in a claim for damages; 提出赔偿损失五套求; put in a document (in a law case); (在法律案件中) 提出证明文件; put in a plea of not guilty. 提出无罪之抗辩。 c manage to strike or utter: 击出或说出: put in a blow/word. 加以打击 (说出一句话) 。 put sth in/into sth, devote; give: 献身于; 付出; 花费: put a lot of work into improving one's French. 下很大的工夫进修法文。 put sb in for sth, recommend sb for promotion, an award, etc: 推荐某人晋升、得奖等: The commanding officer is putting Sergeant Green in for the Victoria Cross. 指挥官推荐格林士官得维多利亚十字动章。 put in s good word for sb, say sth on his behalf, to help him. 为某人说好话。 d do, perform: 做; 履行: put in an hour's work before breakfast; 早餐之前做一小时的工作。 put in an hour's piano practice. 练习弹钢琴一小时。 e pass (time): 消磨; 度过 (时间): There's still an hour to put in before the pubs open. 酒馆再过一小时才开门。 put sb in, a give duties to: 任命; 使就任: put in a caretaker/bailiff. 任用一管理员 (一监守官 ) → b elect to office: 选为负事; 选为执政: Which party will be put in at the next general election? 下一次大选中祝一党会当选执政? put sb in mind of sb/sth, 切 5 above. 参看上列第 5 义。 → the n entries for 参看下列各片语中之名词 put in an appearance; put the boot in; put one's oar in; put a sock in it. put off, (of a boat or crew) leave: (指妬或船贝) 离岸: We put off from the pier. 我们驶离码颠。 put sth off. a postpone: 延刎: put off a meeting; 把会议延期; put off going to the dentist. 延期去看乐曹 e b (usu of nonmaterial things, take off being usual for clothes) get rid of: (通常指非物质的东西; 脱衣服通常多用 take off) 消除; 祛除: You must put off your doubts and fears. 你必须祛除你的疑虑和恐宠。 put sb off. a put to a later date an arrangement, etc: 把宙育等延后: We shall have to put the Smiths off till next week. 我们须把同史密斯夫妇之约会延到下星期。 b make excuses and try to avoid, eg sth one has promised to do, a duty: 闪避; 敷衍; 推谈 (已答应做的事,责任): He tried taput me off with vague promises. 他企图以含混的允诺来敷衍我。 I won't be put off with such flimsy excuses, won't accept them. 我不会被这些薄弱的借口敷衍过去的。 put sb off (sth), hinder or distract him (from sth): 妨碍或劝阻: put sb off his game, eg distract him when he is about to strike the ball at golf. 妨碍一个人比赛 (如在他将击球时分散他的注意力) 。 The mere smell of garlic put him off his supper, caused him not to want supper. 他一闻到蒜味就对晚餐倒了胃口。 put sb off his stroke, distract him; cauSe him to pause. 使某人分心; 使某人停止。 put sth on, a (contrasted with take off) clothe oneself with: (与 take off 相对) 穿; 戴: put one's hat/shoes, etc on. 戴上帽子 (穿上鞋子等) 。 b assume; pretend to have: 假装; 伪称有: put on an air of innocence. 装出一派天真纯朴的样子。 Her modesty is all put on, she's only pretending to be modest, eg about her ability or skill. 她的谦涤只是装出来的。 c increase; add: 增加; 添上: put on more steam/pressure; 添加更多蒸汽 (雅力); put on speed. 増加速度。 He's putting on weight/flesh, is getting heavier/fatter. 他的体重在增加 (他愈来愈胖) 。 Marks and Sparks put on sixty runs, (cricket) together added sixty to the score. (板球厩) 马克和史巴克斯合起来多得了 60 分。 d add to: 増添; 增加: This policy will put pounds on the cost of living, will make it much higher. 这项措施将使生活费用增高。 e arrange for; make available: 安排; 准备; 使 M 莉用: put on extra trains during the rush hours; 在乗客拥挤时加开火车; put a play on, arrange for it to be shown at a theatre. 安排一戏剧的演出。 f advance: 拨快: put the clock on one hour, move the hands forward, eg for Summer Time. 把钟装快一小时 (如夏令时间) 。 put sb on, (colloq) deceive him: (俗) 欺骗: He's not really interested; he's putting you on. 他不是真有兴趣; 他只是在欺骗你。 Hence, 由此产生, 'put-on n deception: 欺骗: What a put-on! 好 -DM 局! put it on. (colloq) (俗) a exaggerate a show of feeling; pretend to be more important, etc than is justified or warranted; talk or behave in a pretentious way. 夸张感情的表现; 装得过份重要; 装模作样地讲话或行动。 b overcharge: 索价过高: Some of the hotels put it on during the holiday season. 在假日季节有些旅馆提高收费。 put sb on (to bowl), (cricket) arrange for him to bowl at least one over. (板球戏) 安排某人至少投球一次。 put money on sb/sth, stake (horseracing, etc): 赌 (赛马等): I've put a pound on the favourite. 我在有获胜希望的马身上赌一镑。 put out (from), (naut) (of a boat or crew) move out, leave, eg from harbour, (航海) (指船或船员) (从港口) 驶出。 put sth out, a extinguish; cause to stop burning: 扑灭; 熄灭; 使停止燃烧: put out the lights/the candle/the gas/the gas-fire. 熄灭灯 (烛,煤气,煤气暖 fit) The fireman soon put the fire out. 消防队员不久即扑灭那场火。 b cause to be out of joint; dislocate: 使脱关节; 使脱臼: She fell off a horse and put her shoulder out. 她从马上跌卞,肩膀脱臼了。 c give (sth) to be done off the premises: 把 (某事物) 送到外面去做: All repairs are done on the premises and not put out. 圣部修缮都在家里进行,不送到外面去做。 We put out the washing, send it to a laundry instead of having it done at home, 我们把要洗的衣服送到洗衣店去洗。 d lend (money) at interest: 放利息; 放帐: He has £1000 put out at 5 per cent. 他以百芬去五的利息放款一千镑。 e produce: 生产: The firm puts out 1 000 bales of cotton sheeting every week. 这家公司每周出产一千包棉质被单布。 O output, f issue; broadcast: 发布; 广播: The Health Department has put out a warning about dangerous drugs. 卫生部就危险药品发布警吿。 put one's 'hand out, hold it out in welcome, for caning as a punishment, etc. 伸出手 (以示欢迎,罚打手心等) 。 put one's 'tongue out, show it, eg for a doctor, or at sb, as a rude act. (向医生,或不雅地向某人) 伸出舌头。 put sb out. a disconcert; cause to be confused or worried: 使困惑不安; 使迷感或忧烦: The least thing puts him out, he is easily upset. 一点儿小事就会使他不安。 She was very much put out by your rudeness. 你的鲁芥使她受窘。 b inconvenience: 使感不便: Would it put you out to lend me £5 until Friday? 借给我五镑,(下) 星期五归还,对你有什么不方便吗? He was very much put out by the late arrival of his guests. 他的客人们姗婀来渥使他大感不便。 put sb out (of), expel; drive out. 驱逐; 赶出。 put over, (naut) (of a boat or crew) move over: (航海) (指船或船员) 驶过: put over to the other side of the harbour. 驶向港的对面。 put sth over to sb, (colloq) ― put sth across to sb. put sth through, carry it out: 实行; 完成: put through a business deal. 完成一格交为。 put sb/ sth through, connect (by telephone): 接通 (电话): Please put me/lhis call through to the Manager. 请替我接经理。 put sb through sth, cause him to undergo, eg an ordeal, a test: 使受 (考验,试验): The police put him through a severe examination. 警方对他严加询问。 The trainees -were put through an assault course. 受训人员接受突击训练课程。 put a person through his paces, cpace n (3). put sb 『 through it, (colloq) test or examine him thoroughly, eg by giving him a medical examination, or by inflicting suffering on him to get a confession. (俗) 彻底地检查或审讯某人。 put sth to sb, → 8 above. 参看上列第 8 义。 be hard 'put to it to do sth, find difficulty in do- ing sth: 非常为难; 做某事有困难: I d be hard put to it to say exactly why I disliked him. 我很难启齿说明我到底为什么不喜欢他。 He was hard put to it to satisfy his creditors. 他为偿淸对债主之欠款感到为难。 put sth together, construct (a whole) by combining parts: 结合各部分而构成(一整馆); 装配: It's easier to take a machine to pieces than to put it together again. 拆卸 / 机器比重新装配起来容易。 I must put my thoughts/ideas together before I go on the platform, collect my ideas, etc before I give my address, speech, etc. 在踏上讲台讲演之前,我必须把我的思绪整理 ~To put our/your/their 'heads together, consult one another. 彼此商量; 共同商讨。 put two and two together, 点 two. put up fat), obtain lodging and food: 雅得食宿: put up (at an inn) for the night. (LKR)Ed 夜。 put up (for sth), offer oneself for election: 镜选: Are you going to put up for Finchley again, ie as a prospective member of Parliament? 你还要竞选代表芬赤利市的国会议贝吗? put sth up. a raise; hold up: 举起; 抬起: put up one's hands, eg over one's head, as a sign that one is ready to surrender, or with fists clenched, ready to fight; 举起手(如举过头以示投降,或握紧拳头准备打架); put up a flag/a sail. 升旗(张帆)。 put one's 'hair up, (of long hair) wear it coiled on the head instead of letting it fall over the neck and shoulders. 把头发挽于头上。 b build, erect: 建立; 竖立: put up a shed/a tent. 搭起一小棚(一帐篷)。 c publish (banns); place so as to be seen: 公布(结婚预吿); 公吿: put up a notice. 公布一通知。 d raise, increase: 提高; 增加: put up the rent by 50p (a week). 将房租(每周)提高五十便士。 e pack (in parcels, boxes, etc): 包装(于小包,盒等): herrings put up in barrels. 装于扁羊的靑为。 The hotel will put us up some sandwiches, prepare and pack some for us. 旅馆将为我们准备一些三明治并且包好。 f offer, make: 给予; 施以: put up a stout resistance/a good fight. 予以顽强之抵抗(挺身奋战)。 g supply (a sum of money for an undertaking): 提供(一笔钱做一事业): I will supply the skill and knowledge if you will put up the £2 000 capital. 如果你提供两千镑的资本,我愿贡献技术与知识。 h (old use) sheathe (a sword). (旧用法)插(刀)入鞘。 i cause (wild birds or animals) to leave shelter or cover: 使(野肉野兽)离巢穴: put up a partridge. 把一只鹤措赶出巢。 put sb's back up, S back1 ⑴ . put sth up for auction/sale, offer it to be auctioned/sold: 提出以供拍卖(出售): Has the house been put up for auction? 那房子是否要拍卖? a , put-up 'job, sth done in order to give a false impression, to swindle sb, etc. 惫图蒙混之事(为了给人错误印象或欺骗他人而为者)。 put sb up, provide lodging and food (for): 供以食宿(与 for 连用) t We can put you up for the weekend. 周末我们能供你食宿。 put sb up (for sth), propose, nominate sb for a position: 推荐或提名某人就任某职务: She was put up for the position of secretary, eg of a socjety; 她被推荐担任秘书职务; sb up for a club. 推荐(提名)某人为一俱乐部之会员。 put sb 'up to sth. suggest sth to sb, esp urge him to do sth mischievous or wrong: 向某人建议做某事(尤指促其做坏事或错事); 敎唆: Who put you up to all these tricks? 谁敎唆你做这些编人的事? put 'up with sb/sth, endure without protest; bear patiently: 容嘘; 忍受: There are many inconveniences that have to be put up with when you are camping. 在你露营时, 有很多不方便处必须忍受.




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