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单词 punch
释义 punch3 /pAntJ; pAfttJ/ vt [VP6A, 15A] strike hard with the fist: 击: ~ a man on the chin. 以拳重击某人之下颚。 He has a face I'd like to ~. 他有一张我很想饱以老拳的脸。 n 1 [C] blow given with the fist: 用攀的一击: give sb a on the nose; 用拳击某人、鼻子; a boxer with a strong ~, the ability to deliver strong ~es. 出拳很重的拳击手 pull one's ~ 6S, attack less vigorously than one is able to. 没有用尽力气打; 故意不用力打。 ' ~-ball, mg ds!i n inflated or stuffed ball hung up and ~ed with the fists for exercise. 拳球; 梨形食 (练习拳击的吊球) 。 ~-'drunk adj (in boxing) dazed by ~es received in a fight; (fig) confused. (在拳击中) 因受拳击而晕眩的; (喻) 惶惑的。 ' ~ Hne n climax of a story (where the point is made, where laughter comes). 故事的高潮; 滑稽故事中使人发笑的地方; 妙语。 '~up n (coiloq) fight with the fists: (商用菴头打斗: The quarrel ended in a ~-up. 争论醒成了拳鬪。 2 [U] (fig) energy: (喻) 力量; 精力; 效果; 魄力: a speech with plenty of ~ in it. 有力的演说。




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