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单词 prostrate
释义 prostrate /'prostreit; prastret/ adj 1 lying stretched out on the ground, usu face downward, eg because exhausted, or to show submission, deep respect. 平卧的; 俯卧的; 卧倒的; 卧拜的(如出于疲乏,或表示顺从,深击的敬意)。 2 (fig) overcome (with grief, etc); conquered; overthrown. (喻)为(悲伤等)征服的; 降伏的; 瓦解的; 沮丧的。 vt /pro-'streit US: 'prostreit; 'prastret/ 1 [VP6A] cause to be 使卧; 弄倒: trees ~d by the gale. 被疾风吹倒的树。 2 [VP6A] (reflex) make (oneself) ~: 〔反为) 使 (自己) 平卧; 俯伏: The wretched slaves ~d themselves before their master. 可怜的奴隶们拜倒在他们的主人面前。 3 (usu passive) overcome; render helpless: (通常用被动语态) 克服; 使无能为力: Several of the competitors were ~d by the heat. 数位竞争者热得昏倒了。 She is ~d with grief. 她悲伤不已。 prostration /pro'streifn; pra'strejan/ r 1 [U] state of extreme physical weakness; complete exhaustion: 身体极度虚弱; 筋疲力尽; 虚脱; 衰弱: Two of the runners in the Marathon race collapsed and were carried off in a state of prostration. 两位马拉松赛跑的选手倒下,并在虚脱的状态中被抬走。 2 [C] act of bowing or lying face downwards to show submission or humility, 拜倒; 俯身致敬。




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