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单词 profound
释义 profound /pra'faund; pra'faund/ adj 1 deep: 深的; 渊深的: a ~ sleep/sigh/bow; 熟睡 (深长的叹息; 深深的瞥躬); take a ~ interest in sth; 对某事物深感兴趣; listen with ~ interest. 深感兴趣地聆听。 2 needing, showing, having, great knowledge: 需要,显示或具有渊博知识的; 深奥的; 博学的: ~ books/ authors/thinkers; 深奥的书 (著作者,思想家); a man of ~ learning. 博学的人。 3 needing much thought or study to understand: 需要多加思索或研究才能了解的; 奥妙的: ~ mysteries. 真仙。 ~ly adv in a ~ manner: 深深地; 深奥地; 奥妙地: ~ly (= deeply) grateful/disturbing. 深为感激的 (极为扰人的) 。 pro-fun.dity /pra'f Andati; pra'fAndati/ n (pl -ties) [U] depth: 深; 渊深: the profundity of his knowledge; 福的学问有痈深; [?] (chiefly in non-material senses) that which is deep or abstruse; (pl) depths of thought or meaning. (主要用作非砂质的盘思) 有深度的东西; 深奥之事物; (复) 思想或意义的深奥。




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