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单词 professional
释义 professional /pra'fejnal; pra'fejanl/ adj 1 of a profession): 专门职业的; 职业上的:二 skill; 专门职业上的技术; ~ etiquette, the special conventions, forms of politeness, etc associated with a certain profession; 某行业特有的礼仪; 行规; ~ men, eg doctors, lawyers. 从事专门职业的人 (如医生,律师) 。 2 doing or practising sth as a full-time occupation or for payment or to make a living (opp of amateur): 职业性的; 专业的 (与 amateur 相对): ~ football; 职业足球赛; ~ tennis-players; 职业网球选手; a - politician. 以从政为职业的人。 n (contrasted with amateur) (与 amateur 相对) 1 (often abbr to 常略作 pro /prau; pro/) person who teaches or engages in some kind of sport for money. 为赚贱而从事某种运动的人; 职业敎练; 职业选手。 2 person who does sth for payment that others do (without payment) for pleasure: 为赚銭而从事某种游荫的人; 职业艺人: ~ musicians. 职业乐师; 职业乐手; 职业音乐家。 turn ~, become a ~ . 成为职业的 (选手、演员等) 。 ~ly /-nah; -nil/ adv in a ~ manner or capacity. 专业地; 在职业上。 ~ism /-slirsm; -ahzin/ n 1 mark or qualities of a profession ⑴某専轲职业的标记或特性。 2 the practice of employing ~s to play games. 雇用职业选手参加比赛。




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