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单词 prodigal
释义 prodigal /'prodigl; 'pradigl/ adj ~ (of), wasteful; spending or using too much: 浪费而; 挥霍的; 不吝痞的: a ~ administration, spending public funds too freely. 浪费(公帑)的政府。 Nature is ~ of her gifts. 大自然不吝惜其恩赐。 the ~ son, wasteful and improvident man (in one of the parables of Jesus) who repents of his actions. 浪子(见于耶稣的寓言之一)。 ch Luke 15: 11.参看路加福咅第 15 章第 11 命。 n [C] person who is wasteful. 浪费之人; 浪子。 ~ly /-gall; -gli/ adv in a ~ manner: 浪费地; 挥霍地; 不吝惜地: a man who gives ~加 to charities. 不吝捐赠慈善事业的人。 ~ity /,prodi-'gaebti; , pradi'gaeloti/ n [U] (in a good sense) being ~: (好的意思)不吝惜; 慷慨: the ~ity of the sea, ie in supplying fish; 海派的慷慨(即大量具应鱼产); (in a bad sense) extravagance; wasteful spending. (坏的意思)浪费; 挥霍。




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