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单词 primary
释义 primary /'praimarx US: -men; 'prsi,meri/ adj 1 leading in time, order or development: 在时间、 次序或发展上领先的; 第一的; 基本的; 主要的: of ~ (—chief) importance; 首要的; a school, (GB) for junior pupils (5 to 11 years); 小学 (英窗,五发至十一岁儿童就读的学校); ~ rocks, of the lowest series of strata; 原成岩 (最下层的岩石); 结品岩; the ~ meaning of a word, the earliest and original meaning. 字的原始意义 (本义) 。 2 ~colours, red, blue and yellow, from which all other colours can be obtained by mixing two or more, 原色 (即红、蓝、黄三色,由混合二种或二种以上之原色可得所有其他颜色) 。 n (pl -ties) (US) meeting of electors to name candidates for a coming election. (美) 提名候选人的预选会。 pri-mar-ily /'praimarali US: prai'merali; 'prsmrrsli/ adv in the first place; essentially. 首先; 主要地; 基本地。




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