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单词 presume
释义 presume /pn'zju: m US: -'zu: m; prfzjum/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 9, 25] take for granted; suppose (to be true): 以为; 认定; 推测; 假定 (为真实): In Britain an accused man is ~d (to be) innocent until he is proved guilty. 在英国被吿在未证实有罪以前,仍被认作是无辜的。 Let us ~ that ... 让我们假定…。 Dr Livingstone, / ~ . 我想, 你是李文斯顿博士。 2 [VP7A] venture; take the liberty: 敢于; 揖敢; 冒昧: I won't ~ to disturb you. 我不叔打短你。 May I ~ to ad-vise you? 我可以向你进一言吗? 3 [VP3A] ~ upon sth, (formal) make a wrong use of, take an unfair advantage of: (正式用语) 错用; 不当地利用: asking for help, etc; 利用某人性情好 (而要求帮助等); ~ upon a short acquaintance, treat sb familiarly even though one has known hirii for only a short ~ upon sb's good nature, take advantage of it by time. 悬着一面之交就和人亲热起来。 presuming adj having, showing, a tendency to ~, to take liberties. 目昧的; 不客气的; 僭越的。




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