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单词 pressure
释义 pressure /'prefa(r); 'pre/v/ n [C, U], 1 pressing; (the amount of) force exerted continuously on or against sth by sth which touches it: 哒; 压力; 施诸某物的压力之量: a ~ of 6 lb to the square MM, 加于每平方吋上的六磅的压力; see that the tyre ~ is right; 注意要使输胎的哒力正常; atmospheric ~ /the ~ of the atmosphere, the ~ of weight of air, as measured by a barometer. 大气的压力 (如气压计所测畳者) 。 'blood- ~ n tension of the blood-vessels. 血哒 .' ~ cabin n cabin (in an aircraft) that is pressurized. (飞机上的) 屋力跄。 '~- cooker n airtight container for cooking quickly with steam under ~. 快锅; 压力锅 (利用蒸气在其哒力下快速烹煮的紧密的容器) 。 '~-gauge n apparatus or device for measuring the ~ of a liquid or gas at a given point. (测量液体或气体在某一点上压力的) 压力计。 2 compelling force or influence: 强制力; 影斯力: He pleaded ~ of work/family ~s and resigned his place on the committee. 他以工作繁重 (家庭负担) 为由而辞掉在委员会的职位。 be/ come under ~, feel/be caused to feel strongly compelled (to act): 妄到压力; 在压力之下: He's under strong ~ to vote with the government on this issue. 他受到强大的压力而投票赞成政府的这项主张。 He always works best under ~, when he has to. 他总是在迫不得已时工作成绩才最好。 bring ~ to bear on sb (to do sth): put ~ on sb/put sb under ~ (to do sth), use force or influence on sb. 压迫某人; 对某人施压力。 '~group, organized group, eg an association of manufacturers such as brewers, farmers, which tries to exert influence or lobby for the benefit of its members. 汇力集团 (借谥压力或游说,以为其会员谋取福利的集团,如造酒公会、农会) 。 3 sth that oppresses or weighs down: 压迫物; 困苦; 艰难; 重荷: the ~ of taxation; 税的重负; under the ~ of poverty/necessity. 在贫困 (需要) 的压迫下。 4 (at) high ~,(with) great energy and speed: 拼命 (地,很有冲动 (的): work at high ~; 拼命地工作; a high- ~ salesman. 很有冲动的推销员。 vr = pressurize.




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