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单词 present
释义 present1 /'preznt; 'preznt/ adj 1 being in the place in question: 出席的'; 在场两: the Smiths, and other people ~ who were ~ ). 史密斯夫妇以及其他在场豹人。 Were you ~ at the ceremony? 你参加了典礼吗? ~ company excepted, (colloq) used to show that one's remarks do not apply to anyone who is ~. (俗) 在场的人不算; 在座的诸位除外。 → absent1 (1). 2 being discussed or dealt with; now being considered: 在讨论或处理中的; 正在考値中的: in the ~ case, this case. 在这备件中; 此际; 当下。 3 existing now: 现在的; 现存的: the ~ government. 现在的政府。 4 ~ to, felt, remembered by: 由所感觉或记忆的: ~ to the mind/ 沥。记忆犹新 (呈现于想像中) 。 5 (archaic) ready at hand: ()在手边的; 应急的; 随时的: a very -help in trouble'. '在患难中随时的帮助'。 n 1 the ~“ the ~ time, the time now passing: 现在; 目前: the past, the ~, and the future; 过去, 现在和未来; (gram) (文法) the ~ tense. 现在式。 st ~, now: 现在: We don't need any more at ~. 我们现在不需要更多的了。 for the for the time being, as far as the ~ is concerned: 目前; 暂且: That will be enough for the ~. 暂且够用。 2 by these ~s, (legal) by this document. (法律) 根据本文件。




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