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单词 preach
释义 preach /prfctj; pritj/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 2A, B, C, 3A] ~ (to), deliver (a sermon); make known (a religious doctrine, etc); give a talk (esp in church) about religion or morals: 讲 (道); 传布 (敎苴等): (尤指在教堂) 布道; 传敎: ~ the gospel; 传布编音; ~ Buddhism; 宣扬佛敎; ~ against covetous- “ess, 讲道指摘贪婪; ~ for two hours. 讲道达二小时。 2 [VP3A, 12A, 13A] ~ (to), give moral advice: 勃诫; 说敎: the headmaster ~ing to his pupils. 对学童们谆谆劝诚的校长。 Don't ~ me a sermon about being lazy now, please. 请勿现在对我讲右关吨币的大道理。 3 [VP6A] urge; recommend (as right or desirable): (A为正当或有价値而) 鼓吹; 倡导: The Dictator ~ed war as a means of making the country great. 那位独裁君鼓吹战争为强国的一种手段。 ~er n one who ~es (esp sermons). 说敎者; 鼓吹者; (尤指) 传敎者; 讲道者。' ~ify /-ifai; -azfai/ vi (pt, pp -tied) ~, esp (2); moralize in a tedious way. 讲道; (尤指) 劝诚; 说敎; 唠叨地敎诲。




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