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单词 bosom
bosom/′bʊzəm/ n

(1) 胸部,(女人)乳房(front of the human chest esp a woman's breasts)[C]:hold/clutch/hug a child tenderly to one's~温柔地把孩子抱/搂/搂在胸前; have a large/well-developed~乳胸硕大/丰满;the~of the earth (fig) 大地的胸怀;〖同〗breast,chest;

(2) 衣服的胸襟(part of a dress that covers the chest)[C]:carry a letter in the~of one's dress 把信放在胸襟里带着;the~of one's shirt衬衣的胸襟;Darts are used to shape the~of a dress.衣服上打裥是为了使胸襟成形。

(3) 内心,胸怀,心胸 (person's heart regard-ed as the centre of feelings)[C](lit):She felt an ache in her~.她心中感到痛苦。His sorrows were locked in his own~.他把忧伤深埋在自己的心中。Pity stirred within his~.他心中涌动着怜恤之情。Her~was torn by sorrow.忧伤使她心碎。Empty your~of its sorrows.把你内心的忧伤倾诉出来。She's nursing some dark, sinful passion in her~.她内心怀有某种阴暗、邪恶的强烈感情。a~friend/buddy密友;〖同〗heart,soul;

(4) (湖,海之)广阔的水面(broad surface esp of a lake or sea)[C] (lit):the calm~of the lake 宁静的湖面;

the bosom of ... ……的亲密关系:live in the~of one's family生活在家庭的天伦之乐中;torn from the~of one's own family与自己的骨肉分离;Every young man must leave the~of his family to seek his own fortune.每个年轻人都应该走出家庭的温室去寻找自己的机遇。

→′bosomy adj 乳房硕大的;

【辨异】bosombreastchest都有“胸部”的意思,但有不同。bosom是文学用语,尤指女人的乳房;breast同指女人以及男人的乳部,指人体从肚子到脖子之间的前面部分,如:beat one's breast(捶胸);chest则指人体从肚子到脖子之间的整个部分,包括心脏和肺,意为“胸膛(腔)”,如:a pain in one's chest(胸腔痛)。





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