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单词 youth
youth/ju:θ/ n [-s/ ðz/]

(1)青春,年轻(quality or condition of being youthful)[U](fml):keep(preserve)/enjoy one's~使自己青春常驻/享受青春快乐;(sb) be full of vitality and~(某人)充满青春活力;Now,my~has gone/given me an advantage (over the other players). 眼下,我的青春一去不复返/年龄使我(比其他运动员)占有优势。She's trying frantically to maintain her~.她狂热地要常葆青春。I had confidence,however,in my own~and energy.然而,我对自己的青春年华和旺盛精力充满了信心。 Thanks to the~and upbringing,they were not upset by the accident.由于年纪轻,有教养,他们没有被发生的事故搞得乱了方寸。They've got~and high spirits.他们朝气蓬勃,斗志昂扬。in the first/full flush of~青春发育的初期/鼎盛时期;〖同〗childhood,boyhood,girlhood,prime;〖反〗adulthood;

(2)年轻时代(early part of life;time of being young)[U]:spend/waste one's~in Scotland 在苏格兰度过/浪费青春时光;Even in~he was like an old man.即使是年轻的时候,他也像个老头。In his~,he had a serious love affairs/visited America.他年少时有过执着的爱情/去过美国。(sth) recall sb to scenes of his~(某事)勾起某人对青春时代的回忆;a wasted~碌碌无为的年轻时代; An idle~,a needy age.少壮不努力,老年受贫寒。〖同〗childhood,boyhood,girlhood,prime;〖反〗adulthood;

(3)年轻人(young people in general)[Gp]:A larger percentage of~are employed.大部分年轻人都有职业。 Modern~have greater opportunities than ever before.当代年轻人比以往有更好的机遇。 The~of today are (is) fond of dancing.今日的青年都喜爱跳舞。The~of the whole country are (is) ready to strive.全国的青年随时准备拼搏。 Some people say that today's~have (has) no sense of responsibility.有人说当今的青年没有责任感。Some people say that today's~are (is) very different from those in the past.有人说当今的青年与过去的青年大不相同。The new TV programme is aimed at the~.新电视节目是针对青年人编选的。~culture 青年文化;a~movement/club/hostel 青年运动/俱乐部/招待所 〖同〗the young,boys and girls,kids;

(4)(男)青年,小伙子(young personesp young man)[C](常 derog):He was a vapid,easy-going~.他是个乏味而懒散的青年。That long-haired~has no manners.那个长发小伙子没有规矩。This~was not much over a year her senior.这个小伙子只不过比她大一岁多。The~s in the gallery had taken off their coats. 艺术馆的一些年轻人脱掉了上衣。Some~s in the gallery had stopped me.艺术馆的一些年轻人拦住了我。 As a~,you showed little promise. 你年轻时看不出有什么出息。〖同〗 boy,schoolboy,lad,kid,teenager;〖反〗man,adult;

→′youthful adj 年轻的;′youthfully adv 年少地;′youthfulness n 青春年少;

【注意】youth 用于第(3)义时是集合名词,作主语时谓语动词数的使用参见AUDIENCE。





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