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单词 pop
释义 pop4 /pop; pop/ vt, vi (-pp-) 1 [VP6A, 15B, 2C] (cause to) make a sharp, quick sound (as when a cork comes out of a bottle): (使)发曲短促的坪声(如软木塞抜出瓶子时所发出罪); 发爆裂声: Champagne corks were popping (away) on all sides. 到处都是打开香槟酒塞子的砰砰声。 pop the question, (sl) propose marriage. (俚)求婚。 'pop-eyed adj having bulging eyes or eyes very wide open (with surprise, etc). (因黛奇等)眼睛睁大的; 突眼的。 pop gun n child's toy gun which fires a cork with a popping sound. 玩 JI 气枪。 2 [VP15A, B, 2A, C] (uses with adverbial particles and preps) (与副词接语及介词连用) pop across to. pop over below. 参无下歹! 1 之 pop over0 pop in/out (of), (cause to) go or come in/out quickly (giving the idea of rapid or unexpected movement or activity: (使)突然地进出; 突然地活动: He popped his head in at the door. 他夹然依头伸碓门内。 Pop in and see me some time. 找一个时候来看我。 The neighbours, children are always popping in and out, are very frequent visitors. 隣居的孩子们总是走进走出的(是走动很勤的常客)。 His eyes almost popped out (of his head) in surprise. 他因惊讶而睁大着眼睛(他的眼睛因惊讶而几乎脱眶而出)。 pop sth into sth, quickly put it there: 将某物很快地放于某处: She popped the gin bottle into the cupboard as the vicar entered the room. 牧师进入居间时,她很快地把杜松子酒瓶放进橱柜。 pop off, a go away. 忽然离去。 b (sl) die: (M)死掉: I don't intend to pop off yet. 我还不想死呢。 pop over/across to, make a quick, short visit to: 突然造访; 匆促前往: She has just popped over/across to the grocer's. 她刚刚匆促地往雑货店去了。 3 (sl) [VP2C] shoot: (俚)射杀; 开枪: They were popping away at the pigeons. 他们用枪打鸽子。 4 (sl) pawn: (W)典当: I'll pop my watch and take you to the cinema. 我要把手表当掉, 请你看电影。 5 (US) parch (maize) until it bursts open and puffs out. (美)爆玉米花。 ■pop-corn n maize treated in this way. 玉米花。




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