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单词 yield
yield/ji:ld/ v [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]; n

v (1)产(出)(produce;bring forth by a natural process)[T+nI]:(tree)~plenty of fruit(树木)长出大量水果;(farm/field)~plenty of tobacco(农场/田地)生(出)产大量烟草;(business/bond)~big profits(生意/债券)获巨额利润;The combination of the elements~ed an acid.这几种元素化合产生酸。 The experiments~ed new insights.这些实验让人长新见识。 The sea~ed up a rich harvest of fish.这片海域鱼产丰富。The fruit tree~ed well this year.这棵果树今年丰产。〖同〗bear,bring forth,produce;generate;

(2)让步,投降,顺从(give in;surrender;submit)[II+prep(to)](fml):be forced to~被迫投降;Tom tried to make Janet change her mind,but she would not~.汤姆试图让珍妮特改变主意,但她就是不听。The town soon~ed to the armies of the king/the attackers.这座城很快向国王的军队/进犯者投降了。Don't~to temptation/public opinion/the other man's arguments.不要顺从诱感/向公众舆论低头/向那人的论点让步。John's disease~ed to the doctor's treatment and soon he got fully recovered.医生治好了约翰的病,不久他就痊愈了。〖同〗surrender,give in,submit;〖反〗resist,oppose,attack;

(3)交出,放弃(give;give up)[T+nT+n+prep(to),T+n+adv(up),T+n+adv(up)+ prep(to)](fml):~precedence/one's seat 放弃优先权/让座位;(empty house)~shelter to the students(空房)给学生栖身;(sb)~one's consent to the project(某人)同意这个项目;Will the speaker~five minutes of his allotted speaking time to the senator from California? 讲演人是否愿意从规定的发言时间中让出五分钟给来自加州的议员?They~ed (up) the city/the position/the ground to their enemy (our forces). 他们让敌人(我们的军队)占据了城市/阵地/阵地。 He~ed all his allegiance (up) to the master.他对主人无限忠诚。He~ed the hostage (up) to the police.他把所有的人质交给了警方。 〖同〗grant,give up,give;〖反〗keep,retain,maintain,reserve;

(4)让位于(give place;acknowledge the superiority of another)[I+prep(to)]:(farm land)largely~to property development(耕地)大量让给房地产开发;(cinema) largely~to the home video(电影院)大量让位于家庭影视;I feel I should~to a young man in the firm.我觉得我应该让位于公司的年轻人。The long cruel winter came to an end at last,~ing to a gentle warm spring.漫长的严冬总算结束了,温暖的春天已经来临。

(5)揭露(开)(disclose)[T+nT+n+prep(to),T+n+adv(up),T+n+adv(up)+prep(to)](fml):What new mysteries will be~ed up to scientists? 科学家会揭示什么新的奥秘?The sea/universe will never~up its secrets.大海/宇宙将永远不会展露其秘密。

(6)被压塌(撞开,推开)(submit(to force or pressure give way)[I]:(shelf/chair)~under that heavy weight(架子/椅子)在重压下被压塌;The lock would not~.锁就是砸不开。At last the door began to~to our efforts to push it open.我们努力想把门推开,门终于现出缝隙。〖同〗give way,collapse,break,split;

(7)让道(let other vehicle have right of way)[II+prep(to)](尤AmE):Cars entering the highway must~to cars already running there.进入高速公路的汽车必须给正在上面行驶的车让道。

(8)认为劣于(acknowledge that one is no better than)[II+prep(to)](fml):He~s to no one in devotion to the cause of human right/in admiration for the woman's work.他比任何人都更致力于人权事业/欣赏这位妇女的工作。

→′yielding adj 易弯曲的;′yieldingly adv 顺从地;

n (1)产量(amount yielded)[UC]:(tree) give a high~of fruit(树木)水果产量高;(field) give a good/poor~of rice(田地)稻子收成好/欠收;Farms had an exceptionally good~this year.今年农场获少有的大丰收。the annual milk~年产乳量;The~from the silver mine was very large.银矿出产量非常大。a high~strain of wheat 高产小麦品种;〖同〗harvest,crop;produce,product;

(2)利润,收益(sth that is yielded)[UC]:The current~on municipal bonds is 9%.市政债券目前利率是9%。〖同〗 interest,return,earnings,payment





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