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单词 yet
yet/jet/ adv [无 comp]; conj

adv (1)(用于否定句和问句)已经,尚,还(没)(up until or at the present time or the time specified):“Is she here/Has Mary come~?”“No,not~.”“她/玛丽来了吗?”“还没有。”He was not~due.他还没到。The moon had not~risen.月亮还未升起。I'm not quite clear~about the matter.我对此事还不大清楚。I wonder if they have finished the experiment~.我不知道他们是否完成了试验。No one had~been there until that voyage.在那次航海家光顾之前,那里从未有人涉足。As~,we have not made any plans for the holiday/Shakespeare had not become famous.到目前为止,我们还没制订假日计划/直到那时,莎士比亚还没有名气。They haven't had a book published as~.眼下他们还没有出版过一本书。He had not as~made up his mind what attitude to adopt toward her.到那时为止他还没有下决心对她采取什么态度。The computer has worked well as~.到现在为止计算机工作正常。Did you go to see the doctor~? 你去看医生了吗?

(2)(还)得,仍然,还(just now;still):Don't go~.别马上走。I don't want to go away~.我还不想马上离开。have~to learn the truth/hear the story 还得了解真实情况/听一听那个故事;Go at once while there is~time.趁着还有时间赶快出发。 We must push on while there is~light.趁着还有光亮我们必须继续赶路。 He is~a child.他还是个孩子。Father rose early and is working~.父亲起得很早,他现在仍在干活。There are three days~to go until my vacation.还有三天我的假期才到。It was too early~to tell anything.现在还为时过早,说不出个青红皂白。Much~remains to be finished.还有许多事情有待完成。I have a few more pages to read~.我还要读几页才能读完。She detained him a little while~.她还是耽搁了他一会儿。

(3)在将来某时,终归,迟早(in the time remaining;eventually):You will succeed~.你迟早会成功的。He may win~.他迟早会取胜。She may make a success of it~.她早晚会成功。 We shall have him~.他迟早会来到我们中间。It will be colder~before spring comes.春天到来之前还会出现倒春寒。 We may~hear from him. (We may hear from him~.) (前一用法正式)我们还会得到他的音讯的。 The enemy may~win (may win~) if we relax our efforts.如果我们放松努力,敌人就有可能取胜。I can't come just~.暂时我还不能来。“Are you going home?”—“No,not just~.”“你回家吗?”——“眼下还不行。”

(4)(用在最高级后)迄今;到那时为止(最)(so far):one's best short stories~迄今最优秀的短篇故事;the highest building~constructed 迄今所建造的最高建筑;the most comprehensive study~of his poetry 到目前为止对于他的诗作最为全面的研究;

(5)(和比较级连用)甚至,更(still more;even):~further triumphs/greater progress 更进一步的胜利/更大进步;a~sadder tale/higher speed/worse experience 一个更悲惨的故事/更高的速度/一次更糟糕的经历;We must work harder~.我们必须更加努力。The plot becomes~more involved.情节越来越复杂。

(6)而且,也(不)(more over):I've never read it nor~intend to.我从来没有读过这个,也根本不想读。He doesn't want my help nor~my advice.他不需要我的帮助,也不需要我的建议。He doesn't like the red one nor~the brown one.他不喜欢这个红色的,也不喜欢那个棕色的。She was not beautiful;nor~was she pleasant.她不漂亮,举止也不讨人喜欢。Y~more important,it will not be finished next week,nor~next year.然而更重要的是,这件工作不但下星期完成不了,而且明年也完成不了。

(7)再,还有(againused for emphasis to indicate the latest in a series):do sth~once more 把某事再做一遍; give~another reason 举出另一个原因;He has made~another mistake/more mistakes.他又犯了一个错误/更多的错误。Yagain we can see the results of careless driving.我们得以再次看到疏忽大意开车的后果。

conj 然而;而(又)(nevertheless;and despite this):I gave him 10 pounds/all he asked for, (and)~he is still not satisfied.我给了他10英镑/所要的一切,然而他仍不满意。 Nobody has ever called Balzac a statesman,~he was probably the greatest statesman of our time.没有人把巴尔扎克称为政治家,然而他或许是我们这个时代最了不起的政治家。 She's vain and foolish/a funny girl,but~people like her.尽管她自负、愚蠢/是一个可笑的女孩,而人们却喜欢她。It's strange,~true.这事很怪,却是真事。The judge was stern,~completely fair.法官虽严厉,却十分公正。Y~the population of Scotland was nearly two millions.然而,苏格兰的人口已将近两百万。

【用法】yet 作为副词时,在用法(1)中,英国人常用完成时态,而美国人常用一般过去时;另外在副词用法(1)中问句和否定句用yet,肯定句则用 already;在用法(3)中情态动词后紧跟yet 为正式的表达方式;其他相关用法,可参看still和just两词。

【辨异】1)yetalreadystill1的区别见ALREADY;2)yetbut howeverstill1nevertheless的区别见BUT。





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