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单词 writing
writing/′raɪtɪ ŋ/ n

(1)书写,写作(activity of writingesp writing books or articles)[U]:the course of novel~小说写作课程;a style of newspaper~新闻写作文体;practise/begin~练习/开始写(作);neglect~for long 长时间疏于写作;The actual~of the report took about two days. 写报告实际用了大约两天。W~is my life/a solitary pastime. 写作是我的生命/是独自一人的消遣。She earns much from/lives by~. 她写作的收入颇丰/以写作谋生。

(2)(书写、印刷的)文字(sth written or printed)[U]:There was~on the other side/all over the bathroom wall. 在另一侧/浴室的整面墙上写有字迹。Put the papers face down so that the~cannot be seen. 把试卷扣过去,这样就看不到字了。Chinese use a different kind of~from ours. 中国人使用的文字与我们的不同。

(3)笔迹(sb's handwriting)[U]:legible and neat~清楚整洁的字迹;a crabbed/slovenly/faint~难以辨认/潦草/模糊的笔迹;be expert in/at deciphering illegible~擅长破解难以辨认的笔迹;My~is terrible/clear/beautiful. 我的字体很糟糕/清楚/优美。recognize the~of sb 认出某人的笔迹;I can't read your/make out the doctor's~. 我难以辨认你/大夫的笔迹。document forged in sb's~模仿某人笔迹伪造的文件;The~was in his mother's hand. 这是他母亲的手笔。

(4)文风(writing style)[U]:the elegance of~(the elegant~) 高雅的文风;humorous~幽默的文风;Do you distinguish between serious~and popular~? 你能区分严肃文学与通俗文学吗? The book contains some brilliant and very witty~. 这本书文风雅致且情趣盎然。

(5)著作,作品(works written by a writer)[pl]:Darwin's scientific~s 达尔文的科学著作;a piece of~一件作品;prose~s 散文作品;political/poetic/journalistic/popular~s 政治/诗歌/新闻/通俗作品;posthumous~s 遗著;study the~s of 18th-century novelists/of Dickens 研究18世纪小说家/狄更斯的作品;publish his collected~s 出版他的全集;

(6)文件(document)[U]:formal and informal~正式与非正式文件;supposititious~伪造的文件;According to this~,the deed is valid. 根据本文件规定,该行为是有效的。

in writing 以书面形式:an answer/a reply in~书面答复;apply in~以书面形式提出申请;You must get his agreement/a guarantee in~. 你必须得到他书面的同意/保证。

the writing (is) on the wall 不祥征兆:I saw the~on the wall and realized he would be jobless soon. 我看到了不祥之兆,意识到他不久就会失去工作。The~is on the wall for this company since it is in deep debts. 这个公司已负债累累,就要厄运临头了。

→′writing-desk,′writing-table n书桌;′writing-paper n 信纸





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