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单词 write
write/raɪt/ v wrote/rə ʊt, AmE roʊt/,written/′rɪtn/; -eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

(1)写(字)(make letters or words)[II+prepT+nT+n+prep]:learn to read and~学习读书写字;Many six-year-olds already know how to~. 许多六岁的孩子已经知道如何写字了。~with a pen/in ink 用钢笔/墨水写;~on both sides of the paper/in the margin 在纸的正反两面/四周的边上写;~from dictation 按口述笔录;~a beautiful/good hand 写一手好字~a letter/a report写封信/份报告~capitals/Chinese characters/shorthand 写大写字母/写汉字/做速记;~one's name at the top of the page/the address on the envelope/the answers on the blackboard 在纸的上部写下自己的名字/在信封上写上地址/在黑板上写出答案;They wrote their suggestions on a sheet of paper. 他们在一张纸上写下他们的建议。
 (2)(钢笔、铅笔等)能用于书写((of penspencilsetc)can be used to write)[I]:This pen/ball-pen won't~. 这支钢笔/圆珠笔写不出字来。This new pencil~s very well. 这支新铅笔很好使。
 (3)写作,编写,作曲(produce sth in written form)[T+nD+n+nD+n+prep(for)]:~an essay/an autobiography写篇文章/传记;~a poem/a novel/a book 写诗/小说/书;~a computer program/music/symphonies/a song编写计算机程序/作曲/创作交响曲/创作一首歌曲;Who wrote Jane Eyre? 《简·爱》是谁写的? They wrote me their love story. 他们给我写了他们的爱情故事。She asked her roommate to~her an essay on sociology/on biology. 她要她同屋的伙伴给她写一篇社会学/生物学方面的论文。~a special column for a magazine 为一家杂志写专栏文章;~for a living/the stage 为谋生而写作/写剧本;look for a pen name to~under 寻找一个写作用的笔名;〖同〗produce,compose;
 (4)以作者或新闻工作者的身份而写(work as a writer or reporter)[II+prep(about/on)]:earn a living by~ing 以撰写文章来谋生;~about one's country/sb's scandal 报道自己国家的情况/某人的丑闻;The newspapers~about his performance in very flattering terms. 报纸以恭维的词语报道了他的演出。I have no particular qualifications to~about love. 我不擅长写爱情。~about (on) politics/economy 撰写政治/经济方面的文章;~on a subject for a journal 为期刊撰写专题文章;~for a newspaper/a magazine/a weekly 为一家报纸/杂志/周报撰写文章;〖同〗report;
 (5)以写来表达(express or state in writing)[T+nT+thatT+wh]:~one's opinions/one's own thought/one's suggestion 写出自己的观点/想法/建议;He wrote in a letter that he was never depressed by anything. 他在信中写道没有任何事情曾使他沮丧。He wrote what he saw/how he did it. 他写出了他看到的一切/他是如何干的。〖同〗express;
 (6)写信(produce a letter)[II+prep(to),T+thatT+nT+to-infD+n+thatD+n+nD+n+prep(to),D+n+wh]:W~soon,please. 请尽快来信。~(to sb) once a week(给某人)一周写一次信;The address to~to is in the Radio Times. 写信的地址登在《广播时报》上。~to sb on hearing from sb 接到某人的信后即给某人写回信;He wrote that he had an operation three days ago.他写信说三天前他做了手术。~some letters and postcards 写几封信和明信片;He wrote to ask/wrote asking her if she had ever loved him. 他写信问她是否曾经爱过他。George wrote (to) his father that he couldn't come. 约翰写信给他的父亲说他不能来了。~sb the latest news/the wedding 给某人写信告知最新的消息/其婚礼;~sb a long letter/a long letter to sb 给某人写了一封长信;W~me how/when/why you did it. 写信告诉我你是怎样/什么时候/为什么做那件事的。
 (7)写满,填写(complete sth with writing)[T+nT+n+adv(out),D+n+nD+n+prep(for)]:~a page/a job application 写满一张纸/填写工作申请表;~a cheque for $100 开出一张100美金的支票;~sb a prescription/a receipt 给某人开张处方/收据;~out a cheque/a prescription for sb 给某人开一张支票/处方;
 be written all over/on sb's face 形之于色:Guilt/Deceit was written all over his face. 他脸上现出内疚/狡诈的表情。Sympathy for the prisoner was written on the judge's face. 法官的面部表情流露出对囚犯的怜悯。
 write sth against sth 写……反对:The reporter wrote(an article)against pollution/waste/overpopulation. 记者撰写文章反对污染/浪费/人口过剩。
 write away(v adv)持续写(vi):I've been~ing away all morning. 今天上午我一直在写。
 write back(v adv)回函(vi):He wrote back accepting/to accept our invitation. 他写回信接受我们的邀请。
 write down(v adv) 1)写(记)下(vt): ~down the address/a few important notes/what sb said/every word the speaker says 记下地址/一些重要的笔记/某人所说的话/讲话人所说的每一个字; 2)降低票面价值(vt):These shares should be written down,as they want to attract more buying at present. 这些股票应跌价,因为他们目前想要吸引更多的买主。
 write sth down as 描绘成:They wrote him down as a lazy worker/a fool/a nonentity. 他们把他描绘成一个懒惰的工人/傻瓜/无足轻重的人。
 write in(v adv) 1)写入(vt):~in sb's suggestion/another example/another entry 将某人的建议/另一个例子/另一个词条写进去;2)写信索要(vi):We wrote in for a free book/sample. 我们写信索要免费的书籍/样品。3)发表意见(vi):Many readers have written in to express their opinion/to say that they like our magazine. 许多读者写信表达他们的看法/说喜欢我们的杂志。
 write sb/sth into sth 写进:Tom has written his own idea into the article/into the fiction. 汤姆将他自己的思想写进这篇文章/这部小说。
 write of (v prep)写……的事(vt):The correspondent wrote of his adventure in the war/food difficulties. 记者撰写他在战争中的冒险经历/粮食困难的问题。
 write off (v adv) 1)快写(vt):He wrote a poem off in half an hour.他半个小时就写了首诗。2)勾销(vt):~off the corporation's losses/debts/payments 勾销公司的损失/债款/应付款; 3)报废(vt):He wrote his car off in a bad accident. 在一次严重的车祸中他的汽车完全报废了。4)认为……失败(vt): I lost the game,but don't~me off yet — I'll be back. 我输了这场比赛,但不要认为我不行——我会回来的。
 write sb/sth off as sth 认为某人/某物无价值:People wrote the king off as a madman/a failure. 人们认为国王是个疯子/失败者。
 write off/away (to sb) (for sth)(v adv) 写信索要 (vi):She wrote away (off) to the company for some catalogue/for more information. 她给公司写信索要一些目录/更多的信息。
 write out(v adv) 1)写出(vt):~out a report of the decisions 写出关于那个决定的报告; 2)誊(抄)写(vt):~out sb's notes 誊写某人的笔记;3)取消(角色)(vt):They've written me out in the play since the role I was playing died in the third part. 他们取消了我的角色,因为我所扮演的角色在第三场中死了。4)使才思枯竭(vt):The poet wrote himself out 30 years ago. 这个诗人30年前就才思枯竭了。
 write over(v adv)重写(vt):~an article/a report over (~over an article/a report) 重写一篇文章/一份报告;
 write up(v adv) 1)写在……上(vt):Details of the train alternations were written up on the wall. 火车时刻表的变化详情写在墙上。2)详细写(vt):~up the minutes of a meeting/the wedding for the paper 详细写出会议记录/给报纸撰稿详细报道该婚礼的情况; 3)补写(vt):~up one's diary 补写自己的日记; 4)写评论(报导)(vt):They've written our play up in the local newspaper. 他们在当地报纸上评论了我们的表演。
 →′written adj 书面的;′write-off n 报废之物;′write-up n 记述;报道;writer n 撰写者;作家





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