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单词 please
释义 please /pli: z; pliz/ vi, vt 1 (imper) (abbr of if you ~) (used as a polite form of request) : (祈使用法) (if you ~之略) (用作请求的客套话): Come in, ~. 请进来。 P ~ come in. 请进来。 Two coffees, ~. 请来两杯咖啡。 P ~ don't do 请别做那件事。 2 [VP6A] give satisfaction to; be agreeable to: 使满足; 取悦; 合…之意: That will you. 那将会合你的意。 It's difficult to ~ everybody. 很难使鲤人满意。 Are you ~d with your new clothes? 你对你的新衣服满意吗? We're very ~d to see you here. 我们很高兴在这里见到你。 I shall be ~d to come. 我将乐意来。, ~ your'self. Do as you like. 随你的意思; 随便你。 3 [VP2A] think fit; choose: 认为合适; 选择: I shall do as f ~. 我将随我的意思去做。 Take as many as you ~. 你要取多少就取多少。 You may do as you ~. 你可以照你的意思敝。 4 if you ~, (used with the ironical implication that nothing could be more reasonable): (用作反语) 饲是怪事; 竟然: 'And now, if you ~, I'm to get nothing for all my work!' '真是怪事,我做了这么多工作, 却将一无所获!' ~ God. if it be pleasing to God: 如果上帝愿意; 如果幸运: War may be abolished one day, ~ God. 如果幸运,战争将右一天含被废止。 ~d adj glad; feeling or showing satisfaction: 欣喜的; 愉快的; 感到或表示满足的: He looked ~d with himself. 他看起来赏自己感到满足 (怡然自得) 。 I'm very (much) ~d with what he has done. 我对他所做的磨惑到高兴。 pleasing adj affording pleasure (to); agreeable. 令人喜爱的 (国 to 连用); 合意的。 pleasingly adv




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