单词 | worth |
释义 | worth/wɜ:θ, AmE wɜ:rθ/ adj [无comp]; n adj (1)值……钱,价值为(having the value of)[作pred]: How much is your car~? 你的车值多少钱? This piece of land/two-bedroom house is~$80,000. 这块土地/这栋两居室的房子价值八万美金。It's~much more than I paid for it/eight times as much as it was then. 它的价值远远超过我所付的款/是当时的八倍。sales of aircraft~ 200 million pounds a year 每年两亿英镑的飞机销售额; That old woman is~half a million pounds/a fortune. 这位老妇人拥有50万英镑的财产/大量财富。This book is not~the price. 这本书不值这个价。No man can say what another man is~. 没人能说出他人的价值。not~a cent 一文不值;a man not~three cents 无价值的人;〖同〗valuable,worthwhile;〖反〗worthless; (2)值得的(deserving): The risk isn't~taking. 不值得冒这个险。The food isn't~eating. 这种食物不能吃。You're not~speaking to/looking at. 不值得跟你交谈/看你一眼。His suggestion(proposal)is~considering/consideration. 他的建议(提议)值得考虑。This exhibition is well~a visit. 这个展览真值得一看。It was no longer~a try. 再也不值得试了。Sheep are not~their keep. 养羊不合算。Don't lock the door. It isn't~the trouble/the effort. 不要插门了,不值得费事。Those are expensive, but they are~it. 那些东西很昂贵,但是它们值那个价。〖同〗worthwhile,deserving;〖反〗unworthy,worthless,undeserving; be worth it 很值得: Don't go there in person;it's not~it. 不要亲自去,那不值得。 for all one is worth 竭尽全力(infml): She ran for all she was~. 她拼命地跑。 for what it's worth 不管是否有价值:You may take my opinion for what it's~. 不管是否有用,你可以听听我的意见。 not worth a damn/a straw/a red cent/a tinker's cuss 毫无价值(infml): Their words are not~a damn/a straw. 他们的话一文不值。That's not~a red cent/a tinker's cuss. 这毫无价值。 worth one's/its weight in gold 非常有价值的:This painting is~its weight in gold. 这幅画是无价之宝。 worth one's salt 称职的,干得不错的: Any engineer~his salt would know that. 任何称职的工程师都知道这点。 worth sb's while 对某人有益处的: The job may not be pleasant,but I promise you I'll make it~your while. 这份工作也许不是很好,但是我向你保证报酬是丰厚的。 n(1)值……金额的量(amount of sth that has the value of)[U][N(of)]: sell/buy fifty thousand dollars'~of equipment 出售/购买价值为五万美元的设备; purchase 100 yuan~of coal 购买价值为100元的煤;$400~of damage 价值为400美元的损失; estimate/appraise the~of... 估……的价值; put the~of a thousand dollars on the ring 这只戒指估价为1000美元; What is the~of this picture? 这幅画值多少钱?〖同〗value,price,valuation; (2)能持续……时间的量(amount of sth which can last for certain time) [C][N(of)]:a week's(day's)~of fuel/food/supplies/water 可维持一周(一天)的燃料/食品/供应品/水;〖同〗duration,lasting; (3)价值,用处(value or importance or usefulness)[U]: a treasure of priceless~无价之宝;people of great/much/little~in society 社会上非常/很/毫不重要的人物;something of no/real/solid~一文不值/货真价实/真正有价值的东西;These books/people are of little or no~. 这些书/人毫无价值。get one's money's~钱花得值;know the true~of friendship 知道友谊的真正价值; judge people by their~以价值来判断人;We never know the~of water till the well is dry. (prov) 井干方知水可贵。〖同〗usefulness,benefit,value,importance;〖反〗uselessness,fruitlessness,worthlessness; (4)财产(property or wealth)[U]: His net~is reckoned at over a million dollars.他的净资产估计超过100万美金。What would be his~? 他的财产有多少? I estimated her~at two million pounds. 我估计她的财富有200万英镑。〖同〗assets,wealth,resources,estate; →′worthless adj 无价值(用)的,品质坏的;′worthlessness n 无价值;卑劣;′worthwhile adj 值得的,有价值的 |
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