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单词 play
释义 play1 /plei; pie/ n 1 [U] (what is done for) amusement; recreation: 板玩; 游戏; 娱乐: The children are at ~, engaged in playing. 狡子们在游戏。 What 1 said was only in ~, not intended to be taken seriously. 我所说的话不过是开玩笑而已。 words, a pun. 双关语; 俏皮话。 'child's-~ n [U] sth simple and easy. 简易之事。 ,~-box n box to hold toys. 玩具箱; 如具盒。 '~boy n rich young man chiefly interested in enjoying himself, 花花公子; 主要兴趣在享乐的年轻人。 '~fellow/mate n companion in ~. 玩伴。 '~ground n piece of ground used for ~, eg one at a school or in a public park (cf 参较 playing-field below). (学校或公园内之) 运动场。 '~-group n = ~-school. '~-pen n portable enclosure in which a baby or small child may be left to ~. (可将小孩放在他面玩的) 轻便围糊。 '-—room rt one in a house for children to ~ in. (儿童的) 游戏室; 娱乐间, '~school n group of young children who play together regularly under supervision. 幼稚园; 托儿所。 suit n loose ga [ ment(s) to be worn (eg on a beach) by a child while playing. (幼儿在海滨等地游戏时所穿着之) 运动装; 运动衫。 '~thing n toy; (fig) sb treated as a mere toy. 玩具; (喻) 被玩弄取乐的人; 玩物。 n period for 游戏时间; 休闲时间。 2 [U] the playing of a game; manner of playing: 竞赛; 运动; 游戏或竞赛的方式: There was a lot of rough ~ in the football match yesterday. 昨天的足球比赛很粗野。 That expert ~ /an expert bit of ~! 那场饶赛漂亮极了! in/out of ~,(of the ball in football, cricket, etc) in/not in a position where the rules of the game allow it to be played. (指足球、板球等比赛中的球) 位 (未位) 于比赛规则允许之处; (不是) 死球。 fair ~, (fig) justice, equal conditions and treatment for all: (喻) 公正; 公平; 平等对待; 公平处置: I will see fair ~, I will ensure that both sides are treated justly. 我将公平处理之。 foul ~,~ contrary to the rules; (fig) treachery; violence: 犯规; (喻) 奸诈; 暴力: Do the police suspect foul ~? 蓍方怀疑其中有奸诈吗? 3 [U] turn or move in a game (eg chess): (下棋等之) 轮到; 移动; 走棋: It's your ~, You are to make the next move. 该你 (走) 了。 4 [U] gaming; gambling: 赌; 赌博: lose £50 in one evening's ~; 一晚上赌博输掉五十镑; high ~, ie for high stakes. 输赢很大的赌博。 5 [C] drama for the stage: 剧本; 戏剧: the ~s of Shakespeare. 莎士比亚的剧本。 Let's go to a (= theatre) this evening. 我们今晚去看戏吧。 as good as a ~, amusing, interesting. 很好玩的; 有趣的。 '~-acting [U] n performance of ~s; (fig) pretence. 戏剧的演出; 表演; (喻) 假装; 矫饰。 ,~-actor n (old use) actor. (旧用法) 演员; 伶人。 '~-bill n bill announcing the performance of a 戏单; 戏码。 '~goer /-gaua (r); -zgo/ n person who often goes to the theatre. 常去看就的人。 '.house n theatre. 戏院 o '—wright n dramatist. 剧作家。 6 [U] light, quick, fitful movement: 恒快而断绩的动作: the ~ of sunlight upon wmer. 阳光在水面上的闪烁。 7 [U] (space for) free and easy movement; scope for activity: 自由活动; 自由活动的空间; 活动的范围: allow full ~ to one's curiosity; 让好奇心自由发展; give free ~ to one's fancy/emotions; 纵情想像 (任感情泛滥); a knot with too much ~, one that is not tight enough. 不够紧的结。 Give the rope more ~, keep it less taut. 把绳字放辑一些。 8 [U] activity; operation: 活动; 运转; 作用: the ~ of forces. 力的作用。 be in full ~, be fully operating or active. 在全力运转 (活动) 中。 bring sth into ~, make use of it; bring it into action. 利用某物; 使某物发生作用。 come into ~, begin to operate or be active. 开始活动。




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