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单词 worst
worst/wɜ:st, AmE wɜ:rst/ adj (bad的最高级);adv (badly的最高级); nvt [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

adj 最坏(糟、差)的,最严重的(most inferior or severe)[作attrib]:It's the~winter/weather/storm/accident for years. 这是多年来最寒冷的冬天/最恶劣的天气/最狂虐的暴风雨/最严重的车祸。the~airline disaster/cases 最严重的空难/案件;the~victims of inflation 通货膨胀最严重的受害者; the~aspect of a situation/an event 形势/事件最糟的方面; the~thing which ever happened to me 在我身上发生的最严重的事情; a criminal of the~kind 最残忍的罪犯; Of all the students, Joe is the~. 在所有的学生中,乔是最差的。If one has a fever, he usually feels~in the evening. 发烧的人通常在晚上感到最不舒服。Who came off~in the argument? 在这场辩论中谁最差? She wanted in the~way to see the movie.(fig) 她特别想去看那部电影。

one's own worst enemy 自己不幸的根源:Lack of self-confidence is his own~enemy. 缺乏自信是他最大的敌人。

worst of all 最糟糕的是:But~of all,he lost his confidence. 但是最糟糕的是他失去了自信心。

adv 最坏(糟、差)地(most badly):Tom sings badly, Mary sings worse,and I sing the~of all! 汤姆唱得很差,玛莉唱得更差,我唱得最差。This child acted the~when there is company about. 当有人在场的时候,这个孩子表现得最淘气。This university was(the)~hit by government spending cuts. 这所大学受到政府削减开支的打击最严重。the~-dressed man/-affected area 穿得最差的人/受影响最严重的地区;

n最坏的情况(most bad situationeventetc.)[Uthe~]: Tell me the~! 把最坏的情况告诉我!The~of it/all/that is... 最糟糕的是…… prepare for/brave the~做最坏的打算/勇敢地面对最坏的情况;expect/fear the~等待/害怕最坏的情况发生;The~of the winter (storm) is over/past now. 冬天里最严酷的日子(暴风雨最猛烈的一阵)现在已经过去了。 I have seen bad work, but this is the~. 我见过干得差的工作,但这件工作干得最糟。The~has happened. 最坏的事情发生了。The~of you is that you never admit your mistakes. 最糟糕的是你从不承认错误。The~of it is that none of us speaks English. 最糟的是我们之间没有人会说英语。

at one's worst 表现(情绪)最糟: He keeps cheerful even when things were at their~. 即使在情况最恶劣的时候,他也非常乐观。

at (the) worst 最坏的情况,至少:We shall lose at~only $50. 我们最糟也不过损失50美元。

do one's worst 使出最恶劣的手段: Out of sheer revenge,he did his~to ruin her reputation. 仅仅为了报复,他使出了最恶劣的手段来败坏她的名声。

get/have the worst of it 1)被打败: Our team got the~of it in the last game. 我们队在最后一场比赛中输了。2)最不利的状况: The children got the~of it in the car accident. 孩子们在车祸中受伤最严重。

if/when the worst comes/came to the worst 如/当最坏的情况发生:If the~came to the~,the vessel could always take another route. 如最坏的情况发生,船还可以走另一条航线。

make the worst of 对……做最坏的打算:He is a person who always makes the~of everything. 他是那种总是把任何事情都做最坏打算的人。

vt打败(defeat)[T+n]:The hero~ed his enemies. 英雄打败了敌人。be~ed in the battle/the game/the speech contest/the argument 在战斗/比赛/演讲比赛/辩论中被击败;〖同〗win,beat,defeat,triumph,conquer;〖反〗lose,fail,miss





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