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单词 worse
worse/wɜ:s, AmE wɜ:rs/ adj (bad的比较级); adv (badly的比较级);n

adj (1)更坏(糟,差)的(not as good or pleasant or satisfactory as): He is~at sums than Jean,but better at history. 他的算术比琼差,但历史比她好。Last year's harvest was/Your face looks even~.去年的收成更差/你的脸色看上去更难看。It could have been much/far~. 也许会糟得多。If things get any~,you'll just come home. 如果情况变得更坏,你就回家来。Which punishment do you think/consider the~? 你认为/考虑哪种惩罚更严厉? The storm grew~and~. 暴风雨越来越猛烈。have even~news 有更糟糕的消息;He may be late or,~still, he may not come at all. 他也许会迟到,更糟的是,他也许根本就不来。What was~, I lost the money. 更糟糕的是我丢了钱。

(2)健康恶化(more ill than before)[作pred]: feel~today than yesterday 感到今天比昨天更难受;She is getting steadily~. 她的健康日益恶化。The patient is getting from bad to~. 病人的情况越来越糟。

be none the worse 未受伤害: He's none the~for the experience/the fall from the window.他在这次经历中没有受到伤害/他从窗户上掉下来没有摔伤。

make matters/things worse 使……更糟:Whatever you do can make matters/things~. 无论你干什么,都会把事情搞得更糟。To make matters/things~,he didn't tell the truth. 更糟的是他未讲出实情。

the worse for wear 1)用旧(坏):The coat/Her favourite tablecloth was looking the~for wear. 看来这件外套已穿坏了/她心爱的桌布已用坏了。2)憔悴的: He looks the~for wear after years of hard work. 经历了几年的辛苦劳作,他看上去显得很憔悴。

worse luck 不幸,糟糕(infml):We cannot go for a picnic in such a bad weather,~luck! 这样的坏天气我们不能去野餐了,真遗憾!

adv(1)更坏(糟,差)地(in a worse way): ski/sing~than others 滑雪/唱歌比别人差; behave~than animals/ever 行为比野兽/从前还不如; The car is running even~than before. 汽车比以前跑得更差了。You are working~than I expected. 你的工作比我预想的还要糟。

(2)更强烈(严重)地(to a worse degree): His feet bled~. 他的脚流血更多了。The second injection hurt~than the first. 第二针要比第一针更痛。hate sb~than before 比以前更加憎恨某人;It's raining~than ever. 雨下得更大了。

be worse off 1)更穷: He is no~off (for money) these days than I am. 这些日子他不会比我的境况更差(更缺钱)。2)更槽:Her father's death left her~off. 她父亲的去世使她的状况更糟。

n更坏(糟、差)的事(sth worse)[U]: There has been a change/a turn for the~in the patient's condition. 病人的状况更加恶化。He is the~of the two. 他是两人中更糟的一个。have~to tell 有更坏的消息要告诉; expect~等着更糟糕的事情发生;I got the~of it. 我失败了。W~remains to tell. 还有更坏的事在后头。But~was to come/follow. 更糟糕的还在后头呢。

can/could do worse than 做……是正确的或可取的: The rest of you could do~than read a few books on that subject. 你们其他人读一些关于那个问题的书是对的。

go from bad to worse 每况愈下: Life has gone from bad to~. 生活变得越来越艰难了。





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