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单词 plain
释义 plain1 /plem; plen/ adj (-er, -est) 1 easy to see, hear or understand: 明白的; 清楚的; 易了解的: ~ English; 简明英语; in ~ speech; 以明白的言词; ~ language, (of telegrams, etc) not in code. (指电报等) 明码。 The meaning is quite ~. 这意义十分清楚。 'sailing, (fig) course of action that is simple and free from difficulties: (喻) 一帆风顺: After we engaged a guide, everything was ~ sailing. 我们雇到一个后,一切都顺利了。 2 simple; ordinary; without luxury or ornament: 简单的; 平凡的准彖的: a ~ blue dress, of blue material without a design on it, or without trimmings, etc; 一件纯蓝的女装; in ~ clothes, (esp of policemen) in ordinary clothes, not in uniform; (尤指书察) 穿便服的; ~ food/cooking; 简单的食物 (烹饪); a ~ cook, one who can prepare ~ meals. 能烹调简单餐 4 的厨子。 3 (of persons, their thoughts, actions, etc) straightforward; frank: (指人、思想、 行为等) 直截了当的; 坦白的: in ~ words, frankly; 坦白地; ~ dealing, honesty, sincerity. 诚实; 真击。 to be '~ with you, to speak openly. 坦白对你诞。 i— 'spoken adj frank in speech. 说话坦白的; 直言的。 4 (of a person's appearance) not pretty or handsome. (指人的容貌) 不漂亮的; 不美的。 5 — song/-chant n music for a number of voices in unison, used in the Anglican and Roman Catholic Church services. (英国国教及天主教礼拜式中所唱的) 舟唱的歌曲; 素歌。 adv clearly: 清楚地; 明白地: learn to speak ~; 学习说清楚; entirely: 完全地 You are ~ wrong. 标完全为亍。 ~ly adv clearly: 清楚地: The rock stuck out ~切; 那岩石清楚地夹了由来; obviously: 显然地 You are ~ly wrong. 依显然错了。 ~ness n




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