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单词 place
释义 place1 /pleis; pies/ n 1 particular part of space occupied by sb or sth: 地方; 所在地: I can't be in two ~s at once. 我不能同时在两个地方。 2 city, town, village, etc: 城市; 镇; 村: visit and see things, travel as a tourist. 到“各地旅行观光。 'go ~s, (colloq) have increasing success. (俗) 成功; 胜利; 弟演精形。 '~name n name of a city, town, village, hill, lake, etc: 地名 (城镇、村庄、山、湖等之名称): an expert on the origin of ~-names. 详识地名起源之专家。 3 building or area of land used for some particular purpose that is specified: (用作某种特殊目的的) 建筑碗; 场所: a ~ of worship, a church, etc; 礼拜的场所 (如教堂等); ~s of amusement, theatres, discotheques, cinemas, etc; 娱乐场所; a 'market- ~; 市场; a ~ of business. 营业卢。 4 particular ~ on a surf ace: 表面上的某部分: a sore ~ on my neck. 我脖子上痛的地方。 5 passage, part, in a book, etc: 书籍等中的段落或部分: I've lost my ~, can't find the ~ where I stopped reading. 我找不到原来读的地方了。 Use a book-mark to keep your ~ instead of turning down the corner of the page. 用一商书破指明你所读到的地方,而不要把书页折角。 6 rank or station (in society, etc): 地位; (社会上的) 阶级: keep/know one's ~. 保持 (了解) 自己的身分或地位。 7 (in a race) position among those competitors who are winners: (竞赛时) 获胜者的名次: Whose horse got the first ~? 谁的马获得第一 ? / shall back (= bet some money on) the favourite for a ~, ie to be one of the first three past the winning-post. 我要赌那匹最有希望获得前三名的马。 Hence, 由此产生, '~-bet n 8 (maths) position of a figure in a series as indicating its value in decimal or other notation: (数) 位: calculated to five ~s of decimals/to five decimal ~s, eg 6-57132. 计算到小数点后五位 (如 6-57132)。 9 single step or stage in an argument, etc. (议论等的) 步骤; 层麦 Jn the first/second, etc ~, firstly/second-ly, etc. 第一 (第二等) 点; 首先 (其次等) 。 10 proper or natural position: 会当的位置; 天然的佟置: 4 tidy person likes to have a ~ for everything and everything in its ~. 一个整洁的人喜欢每一样东西都有其位置, 而每一样东西都在其应在的位置。 Please take your ~s, eg ready for a dance. 请就位 (如准备眺舞) 。 Go back to your ~, eg your seat. 回到你的位子去。 There's always a ~ for you around our table, You will always be a welcome guest. 我们的餐桌总是有你的位子 (随时欢迎你来) 。 in ~, a in the right or proper ~: 在对的位置; 在适当的位置: I like to have everything in ~. 我喜欢一切都在其适当的位置。 b (fig) suitable; appropriate: (喻) 适合的; 适当的: The proposal is not quite in ~. 那提议并不十分适当。 out of ~. a not in the right or proper ~. 不在应在的位置; 不在适当的位置。 b (fig) unsuitable; inappropriate: (喻) 不适合的; 不适当的: Your remarks -were rather out of ~. 你的话有点不恰当。而 ~ of, instead of. 代替。 give ~, yield. 屈服; 让步。 give ~ to, be succeeded by, 让位于。 make ~ for. a make room (which is the more usu word) for. 腾出空位给 (room 较常用) 。 b yield precedence to. 让…在先。 c be superseded by. 被所取代。 put sb in his (proper)~; put oneself in sb's/sb else's ~, → put1 (2). take the ~ of, be substituted for: 代替; 成代: Who will take the ~ of Mr X/take Mr X's ~? 谁将要代替某先生? Plastics have taken the ~ of many materials. 塑胶已经取代了许多材料。 take ~, happen: 发生; 举行: The wedding / party / celebration took place yesterday. 婚礼 (宴会,庆祝会) 在昨日举行 pride of ~, position of superiority. 高位; 尊位。 11 office, employment, esp a government appointment; duties of an office-holder: 职位 (尤亩公职); 职责: It's your ~ to see that the junior members of the staff do not arrive late. 你的职责是使下级瞰员不迟到。 He will get a ~ in the Oxford boat, will be chosen to be a member of the crew, 他将被选为牛津校船上的一名划手。 '~-man, —seekers, man looking for favoured positions, eg in government. 锻营职位的人 (尤指官吏) 0 12 estate; house; home: 地产; 房屋; 住所: He has a nice little ~ in the country. 他在乡间有所漂亮的小房屋。 Come round to my ~ one evening. 随便那天晚上请到舍下来。 13 (in proper names) alternative name for Street, Square, etc in a town: (与专有名词连用) 城市之 Street, Square 等的代称: St James's P~. 圣备姆斯街。 14 ' ~-kick n (Rugby football) kick made when the ball is previously placed for that purpose on the ground. (橄榄球) 定位踢 (由另外球员预先将球置于地上然后踢出) 。




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