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单词 worm
worm/wɜ:m, AmE wɜ:rm/ n & vt

n (1)蠕虫(smalllong and thin creature with no backbone or limbs)[C]:cut a~in half 把虫子剁成两半; tread a~to death 把虫子踩死;move/crawl/creep like a~像虫子一样蠕动/爬行/慢慢地移动; The earth~turns the soil. 蚯蚓钻翻土壤。The lawns were crawling with~s. 草坪上爬满了虫子。Many birds eat~s. 许多鸟都吃虫子。

(2)寄生虫;虫子(variety of small creature without backbones or limbsesp in the intestines of a person or an animal or in fruit or wood)[pl]: There are many kinds of~s that live in animals and men.在动物及人体内生活着许多种类的寄生虫。This dog/child has~s. 这条狗/这个孩子肚子里有寄生虫。All the apples have~s in them. 苹果全都生了虫子。(sb) have a~in his tongue(fig)爱找碴儿;Even amay/will turn.(prov) 狗急跳墙。

(3)懦弱(卑鄙,无能)的人(cowardly or nasty or worthless person)[C,通常sing](derog): You miserable~! 你这个可怜的懦夫! He was a~to leave his wife and children without any means of support. 他是一个卑鄙的人,遗弃了妻子和孩子,使她们没有任何生活来源。You're no~. You're a man. 你绝不是懦夫。你是个真正的男子汉。〖同〗coward;

(4)内疚,苦恼(unpleasant or worrying feeling)[C]: Rod felt a~of unease/conscience. 罗德感到忐忑不安/受到良心上的谴责。This brings with it the~of envy. 这件事带来嫉妒的苦恼。〖同〗guilty,worry,anxiety;〖反〗ease,comfort,calm;

vt (给动物)驱虫(get rid of worms in animals)[T+n]:Has she~ed the dog? 她给狗驱虫了吗?~the dog with a gentle drug 用温和的药给狗驱虫;Consult with the vet about~ing your puppy. 向兽医咨询给你的小狗驱虫。

worm one's way in 钻进来:The thieves must have~ed their way in through the broken window. 小偷一定是从破窗户钻进来的。

worm one's way/oneself along/through 沿……爬行/爬出:~one's way/oneself along the barred wire 沿着铁丝网蠕动爬行;~one's way (oneself) through the narrow tunnel/the snow 爬着穿过狭窄的隧道/雪地;

worm one's way/oneself into 设法获得好感(地位):He~ed himself into power/into her affection. 他窃取了权力/骗取了她的好感。

worm out (of) (v adv) 慢慢套出(vt):~the secret/the true story out (of sb)(从某人口中)慢慢地探出秘密/真情;

worm (one's way) to/toward (v prep) 悄悄地爬到(vt):He~ed his way to the enemy's lines. 他慢慢地向敌人的防线爬去。

→′wormy adj 多蚯蚓的;虫蛀的;′worm-cast n 蚯蚓粪;′worm-eaten adj 多蛀孔的;′worm-hole n 虫蛀成的洞;′wormwood n 苦艾;苦恼;羞愧;′angleworm n蚯蚓;′earthworm n 蚯蚓;′blindworm n 蛇蜥;′bookworm n 蛀书虫;书呆子;′hookworm n 钩虫;′glow-worm n萤火虫;′inchworm n 尺蠖;′shipworm n 蛀船虫;′silkworm n 蚕;′tapeworm n 绦虫;′woodworm n 蛀木虫





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