n (1)工作,劳动(physical or mental effort to make sth)[U]:skilled/semi-skilled/unskilled~技术/半技术/非技术性工作; indoor/outdoor~户内/户外工作;mental/brain/intellectual~脑力劳动; manual/physical/labour/muscle~体力劳动; the~of rescue/calculating wages 营救/计算工资的工作; the~on hand 手头上的工作; a man of all~多面手; knock off~for lunch 停止工作吃午饭; set/give/leave sb too much~分配/给/留给某人太多的工作; put in a lot of (hard)~writing that report 他花了许多精力写那份报告; the~in genetic engineering 遗传工程方面的工作; never/hardly do a stroke of~什么活儿都不干; be tired/worn out with~让工作给累坏了; W~done by hand has been taken over by machines. 手工的劳动已被机器所取代。achieved sth by hard~靠辛勤劳动获得某物; It takes a lot of~to make a cabinet/to build a house. 做一个柜子/建一座房子需要花费许多的劳动。〖同〗labour;〖反〗play,ease,leisure;
(2)(职业性)工作(employment or job)[U]:desk/daily/unpaid/voluntary/administrative~案头/日常/无报酬/义务/行政工作; academic/charity/farm~学业/慈善事业/农活; go in for film/research~从事电影事业/研究工作;part-time~兼职; do free-lance/repair/kitchen~做自由作家/修理工作/炊事工作; enjoy/like/quit one's~喜欢/喜欢/辞去自己的工作; look for/find~找工作; choose one's~for life 选择终身职业; make retailing one's~把零售当成自己的职业; want~谋职; What's your~?(What~do you do?) 你是干什么工作的? My~is in medicine/as a doctor. 我的职业是个医生。~experience/clothes 工作经历/服;a~permit 工作许可证;〖同〗employment,job,occupation,profession;〖反〗unemployment,vacation,leave,retirement;
(3)工作地点(单位)(place of one's employment)[U](不用the): be late for~上班晚了; go to/leave for/arrive at/get to~去上班; stop/leave~下班; What time do you get home from~? 你什么时候下班回到家? His colleagues from~made him a visit. 他的同事下班后来拜访他。
(4)要(所)做的事(sth(to be)done) [U]: bring the~to a close 结束这件工作;do a good day's~整整干了一天的活儿;do a good job of~事情干得很漂亮; make good~of/with sth 出色地完成某事; have some~for sb to do 有些事要某人去做; It is hard~doing sth. 做某事是艰难的。It is not easy~to do sth. 做某事不容易。Can you do the~alone? 这活儿你独自能干吗?Cleaning out the attic is your~for this weekend. 清理顶楼是你这个周末的活儿。There is plenty of~to be done. 有许多事要做。The damage/broken window/savage murder must be the~of a madman. 破坏/打破的窗户/残忍的谋杀一定是个疯子干的。The small boys were very delighted with their~—breaking the window. 小男孩们对自己做的事——打破了窗户感到十分快乐。〖同〗job,task,employment,assignment;〖反〗entertainment,fun,rest,relaxation;
(5)(干活用的)材料(工具) (material or tool used for this)[U]: take some~home to do in the evening把一些材料带回家晚上干; Don't stay inside to do your sewing;bring/take your~out with you/on the porch. 别总是在屋里做你的针线活,把针线活带到外边/门廊来做。The student's~is spread all over the table. 那学生的学习用具摊了一桌子。〖同〗material,tool;
(6)作品,制成品(sth written,made or produced)[U]: sb's latest/best-known~某人最近/最著名的作品;an excellent piece of~一件佳作;an exhibition of the~of young sculptors/painters 年轻雕刻家/画家的作品展;metal/silver~金属/银制品;collect the~of students 收集学生的作业;crib sb's~剽窃某人的作品;This mat/painting is my own~. 这个垫子是我自己做的/这幅画是我自己画的。The craftsmen sell their~. 手艺人出售他们的工艺品。〖同〗creation,handiwork;
(7)文学(艺)著作,作品(literal or artistic written form)[C]: a hand-written~手抄本; the collected/complete~s of Shakespeare 莎士比亚选集/全集; a new~on the literary criticism/by the composer 论述文学评论的新书/作曲家的新作; the~s of Beethoven/the best painters 贝多芬/最佳画家的作品;copy~s of art 艺术复制品;reprint Lu Xun's~s 再版鲁迅的著作; Shakespeare's~s include plays and poems.莎翁的著作包括剧本和诗歌。Is that painting an early~by Degas? 那幅画是德加的早期作品吗?〖同〗creation,composition;
(8)机械的活动部件(moving parts of a machine)[pl,the~]: the~s of the watch/the clock 手表/钟的机件; oil the~s 给机件加油;疏通 (fig); What's wrong/the matter with the~s? 机械部件出现什么故障了? The~s need to be repaired. 这些部件需要修理。〖同〗 contents,insides,device;
(9)工厂(factory) [pl][接sing/pl动词](尤用于构成合成词): a brick/cement/glass~s 砖/水泥/玻璃厂; the engineering~s 机器制造厂; shut down a~s 关闭工厂; There was a big fire at this~s. 这家工厂着过一次大火。The steel~s is/are closed down. 这家钢厂倒闭了。〖同〗plant,factory,mill,workshop;
(10)工程(engineering)[pl](尤用于构成合成词): the Ministry of W~s (BrE) 建筑工程部;road-~s 道路施工; public/earth/foundation~s 市政/土方/基础工程;
(11)全部(whole of a set or everything)[pl](infml):He had the~s from appetiser to dessert. 他要了各种食品,从开胃品到最后的甜点。
at work 1)在工作: die at one's~因公殉职;Don't phone me at~. 我工作时别给我打电话。2)在起作用: New ideas are at~upon the whole nation. 新的思想影响着整个民族。
at work (up)on 1)从事于: He is at~on a dictionary/a revised edition of his novel. 他正在编词典/修订自己的小说。2)忙于:The scientists were still at~upon the research work. 科学家们仍在忙于研究工作。
do its work 发生作用: The medicine began to do its~.药开始产生作用。
get (down)/set/fall/go to work (on sth/to do sth) 着手干: Get/Set to~on your homework. 赶快做你的作业。The mother got (down) to~to tidy the bed after getting up. 起床后,妈妈就着手整理床。
give sb/sth the works 1)把一切告知某人(infml): I know what's going on. They have given me the~s. 我知道发生了什么事。他们把一切都告诉我了。2)(全面周到地)处理某事:We have to give the old house the~s.我们得把这老房子彻底收拾收拾。3)折磨(某人): The poor child was given the~s every day by his step-mother.那个可怜的孩子每天都受到继母的虐待。
go/set about one's work 做/着手做(自己的工作):The boss goes/sets about his~very early. 老板很早就开始工作。
good works 善事: A man should do good~s instead of evils. 人应做善事而不做恶事。
have one's work cut out 有艰巨的事要做(infml): The teacher has his~cut out controlling such naughty boys in class. 老师感到很难管住班上这些淘气的男学生。
in/out of work 1)有工作/失业: His father is still in/out of~. 他的父亲仍在工作/失业了。2)进行中/出故障: The film factory has two films in~. 制片厂正在摄制两部电影。The car is out of~. 汽车出毛病了。
make hard work of 使……更加困难,夸张做某事的困难:You have made hard~of that. 你夸大了那项工作的困难。
make short/quick work of 1)迅速完成(处理,解决)(infml):This liquid can make short/quick~of cleaning dishes. 这种洗涤剂能使清洗盘碟的工作迅速完成。
put/set sb to work 使某人开始做某事:The boss put/set us to~at eight. 老板让我们8点开始干活儿。
the work of time/a moment 费时/容易的工作: It is the~of time to find what's wrong with the car. 找出汽车的毛病很费时间。It was the~of a moment to throw it away. 把它扔了太容易了。
→′bodywork n 车身;′brushwork n 绘画;′donkeywork n 苦差事;′framework n 框架;′ironwork n 铁器;′life-work n 终身工作;′latticework n 格子加工;′metalwork n 金属制品;′needlework n 针线活;′network n 网状组织;′paintwork n 油漆活;′tileworks n 瓦厂;′wickerwork n 柳条制品;′woodwork n 木制品;′waterworks n水厂,水利工程;′work-basket n 针线筐;′work-bench n 工作台;′workbook n(教科书的)练习册;′workday n 工作日;′work-force n 劳动力;′work-horse n 勤奋的人;′workhouse n (BrE)济贫院;′work-load n 工作量(负担);′workman n 男工人;′workmanship n 手艺;工作质量;′workpeople n 工人们;′workpiece n 工作部件,工件;′work-room n 工作室;′worksheet n 工作单;′workshop n 车间,工厂;′work-shy adj 懒惰的;′work-table n 工作台;
v(1)工作,干活(be involved in physical or mental work)[I,I+prep (at/on/for/under),I+adv(away)+prep(at/on),I+adv(away)]:~hard 努力工作;~in order to live 为生计而工作; We~five days a week/8 hours a day. 我们每周工作五天/每天工作八小时。~double tides/day and night 昼夜工作; The boy~s part-time at the grocery. 这个男孩在杂货店做兼职工作。~at one's French/a problem 学习法语/处理问题;~at the weak points in one's English 克服英语学习中的弱点;~on a book/a new novel/a new play 写一部书/新小说/新剧本;~on the documents 起草文件;~on inventing new methods of reaching the outer space 钻研飞往外层空间的新方法;~for a living/the government/a foreign company 谋生/为政府做事/为一家外国公司工作;~under sb 在某人手下工作;~in a factory/in the garden 在一家工厂/在花园里工作;~as a bus driver 当公共汽车司机;The man~s in leather.这个人是皮匠。~in three shifts干三班倒的工作;~away without a rest 一直不停地工作;~away at one's homework/one's essay 不停地做作业/写论文;~away at learning a language 一直努力学习一种语言;〖同〗labour,toil,perform,drudge;〖反〗play,entertain,relax;
(2)竭力做(干)……(make efforts to do sth)[I+prep(against/for),I+to-inf]:~against reform/a cause 竭力反对改革/干一项事业;~against time 争分夺秒地工作;~for peace/the good of the people 为了和平/人民的利益而努力工作; The two families are~ing to make this match. 两家正在努力促成这桩婚事。~to save sb's life/to defend sb/to defeat the opponent 竭力挽救某人的生命/为某人辩护/击败对手;〖同〗manage;
(3)运转;发生作用((of a machine, device, etc) operate or function;have effect or result)[I,I+prep(on)]:This lift/bell/switch doesn't~. 这电梯停运了/电铃不响了/开关坏了。This washing powder~s well. 这种洗衣粉很好使。How does this machine/the clock~? 这台机器/钟表如何运转? Your suggestion/plan/idea seemed to~.看起来你的建议/计划/想法似乎行之有效。It~s like a charm. 这十分奏效。This medicine/drug does not~on this disease. 此药对这种疾病不起作用。His sufferings~ed upon our feelings. 他的痛苦感染了我们。~on sb to do sth 说服某人做某事;〖同〗function,perform,succeed;
(4)产生,造成(produce or function)[T+n]:~the jigsaw puzzle 完成拼图;~a cure/a change 治愈/引起变化;~wonders/miracles创造奇迹;~harm/mischief/havoc 造成损害/伤害/破坏; Time~ed many changes. 时间带来了许多变化。The plan~ed harm/losses. 这一计划造成了损害/损失。The storm~ed great ruin. 暴风雨造成极大的破坏。
(5)使……工作(cause sb or sth to work)[T+n,T+n+prep]:~sb long hours 使某人长时间工作;~a lathe/a machine 开车床/机器; W~ing these heavy presses is very tiring. 操作那些沉重的压缩机太累人了。How do you~the gears on this bike? 你怎么能使自行车的齿轮转动起来? This machine/doorbell is~ed by electricity. 这台机器/这个门铃是电动的。a pump~ed by hand 手工操作的泵; Puppets are~ed by strings. 提线木偶是由线绳牵动的。Switches are~ed from the central tower. 开关是由中央控制塔控制的。~sb hard/sb to death 使某人努力工作/工作致死;
(6)管理,经营(manage or operate)[T+n]:The government is~ing the coal/gold mines. 政府经营着煤/金矿。The salesman~ed both sides of the street/the Southern Area. 这个推销员在大街的两侧都有生意/在南部地区做生意。~a large farm/an oil well 经营一家大农场/管理一口油井; The policeman~ed the northern side of the town. 这个警察管理着该城镇的北部地区。〖同〗manage,control;
(7)制作(make or produce sth)[T+n,T+n+prep (into/on)]:~gold/iron/silver 打制金/铁/银器;~clay/a sample 捏黏土/制作一个样品; a baby's dress~ed by hand 手工制作的婴儿服;~flint into tools/dough into a ball/a silver spoon into a bracelet 把燧石打制成工具/把面揉成团/把一只银勺打制成一只手镯;~a pattern/a design on linen在亚麻布上绣图案/花样;~one's name on a piece of cloth/on a handkerchief 把自己的名字绣在布上/手绢儿上;〖同〗produce,shape,form,mould,make;
(8)发酵(ferment)[I]: The yeast began to~. 酵母开始发酵。Yeast makes beer~. 酵母使啤酒发酵。
(9)抽动,扭曲((of sb's features)express feeling by violent movement)[I]: The child was very disappointed and his mouth/his lips~ed. 这个孩子十分失望,他的嘴/嘴唇抽动起来。Her jaws/Her face~ed when she was very angry. 她非常气愤时,她的两颚/脸抽动起来。His features~ed with anger. 他气得五官都扭曲了。〖同〗change,tremble,shake;
(10)(逐渐或竭力地)使……改变位置(方向)(cause to go into or change the position or direction gradually or with an effort)[I+prep,I+adv,T+n+prep,T+n+adv]:The ship~ed to windward. 船改为逆风行驶。The melt snow~ed (in) through the roof. 融化的雪水渐渐地透过屋顶渗进来。The wind has~ed round to south. 风已渐渐转向南。~the manure into the soil/the peg into the ground 使肥料渗入土壤中/把橛子插入地下;~some funny stories into one's lecture/one's war experiences into the talk 讲演时说几个笑话/在谈话中谈到自己的战争经历;His shirt~ed out of his trousers/up his back. 他的衬衫跑到裤子外面/在身背后抻上去了。~in a few jokes/in the key 插进一些笑话/把钥匙插进去;~round to a new point of view 渐渐地相信了一个新的观点;~sb to one's will 说服某人服从自己的意志;〖同〗put,stick,change;〖反〗pull,remain,stay;
(11)变松,脱落(become separated or loose)[L+adj,C+n+adj]:The window catch/The knot/My hair~ed loose. 窗栓/绳结/我的头发松开了。The screw~ed itself loose. 螺丝松了。~the stone clear under the gate 把大门底下的石头移开; The prisoner~ed himself free. 囚犯挣脱了束缚。〖同〗lose,separate;〖反〗tighten,close;
work against (v prep) 阻碍(vt):The lack of investment has~ed against any rise in productivity. 缺乏投资阻碍了生产力的提高。
work among (v prep) 在……中间做福利工作(vt): His early life was spent~ing among the poor in his home town/the lepers. 他早年曾从事家乡的扶贫/麻风病人的工作。
work around/round to (v adv prep) 1)逐渐接近(vt): Don't hurry me. I shall~around to finishing the article in good time. 别催我,我会及时写完这篇文章的。2)转弯抹角(vt):What is she~ing round to? 她绕了半天圈子究竟说的什么?
work away (v adv) 1)不停地工作(vi):Is Tom still~ing away on that new novel? 汤姆仍在不倦地写那本新小说吗? 2)颤抖(vi): His mouth was~ing away all the time he was speaking. 他讲话时嘴一直在颤动。
work in with (v adv prep) 1)配合(vt)(infml): A difficult task can be made easier if people will~in with one another. 如果大家互相配合,困难的工作也会变得容易。2)协调(vt) (infml): My plan does not~in with his. 我的计划与他的不合拍。
work it/that 设法办成某事 (infml): Can you~it/things so that we get home early this evening? 你能设法让我们今晚早回家吗?
work off (v adv) 1)松脱(v):The handle has~ed off. 门把松脱了。Can you~the lid off? It seems to be stuck. 你能掀开这个盖子吗? 它好像卡住了。2)发泄(vt):Don't~your disappointment/your bad temper/your anger off on me. 别把你的失望/坏脾气/愤怒发泄在我身上。3)消除(vi):The pain~ed off when I started walking. 我开始走路时,疼痛消失了。4)还清(vt):It took two years to~off this bank loan. 用了两年的时间才还清了银行这笔贷款。5)完成(vt): I hope to~off most of the urgent letters/the documents by tomorrow. 我期望到明天把大部分紧急信件/文件处理完。6)售出(vt): The bookstore~s off about 300 copies of books every day. 这家书店每天售出约300册书。
work one's head off (v adv) 努力工作(vt)(infml): She's been~ing her head off to get this book finished. 她一直在拼命地工作,争取早点把这本书写完。
work one's way 费劲到达: He~ed his way to the front of the crowd/to the top in the firm. 他费力地挤到人群的前面/艰难地升到公司的领导地位。
work out (v adv) 1)慢慢出来(vi): This piece of dust in your eye will~out by itself. 你眼中的灰尘会自己出来的。2)拟定(vt):~out a better method/the detail of the plan 想出更好的办法/拟定出计划的细节; 3)算出,得出(vt):~out this problem/this coded message/how much it costs 解出这道数学题/破译这个密码/算出要花多少钱; 4)理(了)解(vt):~out the meaning of this poem/why sb lied 理解这首诗的意思/了解某人为什么说谎; 5)结果(局)(vi):Things/This book~ed out quite well. 事情的结局很好/这本书卖得很好。6)锻练(vi):She~s out in the gym every morning. 每天早上她在体育馆锻炼。7)以工抵债(vt) (AmE): He offered to~out the debt. 他主动提出以工抵债。8)耗尽(vt):This old silver/This coal mine was~ed out long time ago.这座老银矿/煤矿很早以前就挖尽了。
work out at/to (v adv prep) 总计为(vt): Our hotel bill/His take-home pay/The cost~ed out at $1500 a month. 我们的旅馆账单/他拿回家的工资/这笔花销总计为每月1500美元。
work over (v adv) 1)重做(vt):~over the manuscript/the report/the sum 重写手稿/重写报告/重算这个总数; 2)痛打(vt):A couple of the boys~ed him over in a dark alleyway. 一帮男孩在漆黑的胡同里毒打了他一顿。
work to (v prep) 按……办事(vt):~to a plan/tight deadlines 按计划/严格按规定的时间办;Be careful with the money and~to a budget. 花钱需小心,要按预算办事。
work towards (v prep)为……努力(vt):We're~ing towards a common object/towards having all countries sign a peace agreement. 我们正在为一个共同目标而努力/努力促成所有的国家签署一项和平协议。
work up (v adv) 1)发展(vt): They have~ed up the business from nothing. 他们白手起家创建了这家商号。~up a reputation 树立威望; 2)唤(激)起(vt):~up some interest in this book/enthusiasm for sb's studies 唤起对这本书的兴趣/某人的学习热情; 3)兴奋(vt)(常作 pred): Don't get all~ed up over nothing. 不要空欢喜一场。4)积累(vt): It takes experience to~up the knowledge of sailing. 积累航海知识需要经验。5)激发……感情: Please don't~yourself up about the trivial things. 请不要为小事大动感情。~sb up into a rage/a fury 使某人大怒;
work sth up into sth 1)激起……情绪(vt):~the feelings of the audience up to a fever of excitement 激发起观众狂热的情绪; 2)改写(vt):~up the data/the materials into an article 把资料/素材改写成一篇文章;
work (sb/sth) up to 渐渐发展到(顶点)(vi):The music~ed up to a rousing finale. 该乐曲达到激动人心的高潮时结束。Things~ed up to a climax. 事态渐渐发展到高潮。
→′workable adj 可操作的,可行的,可运转的;′worked adj 修饰过的;′working n矿坑,采石场;′workings[pl]活动方式,运转方式,作用;′work-out n 高强度体育锻炼;͵work-to-′rule n 照章办事式的怠工;′worker n工人;