n (1)词,字(one or more sounds that can be spoken or written)[C]:a two-~compound 一个由两个词组成的复合词; a short passage of about seventy~s 大约有70个字的一段小文; a book in~s and pictures 一本图文并茂的书;He spoke slowly, placing emphasis on each~. 他讲得很慢,一字一顿,语气凝重。find~s to describe it 寻找描述它的词语; He's morose — that's the~. 他郁郁寡欢,不错,就用这个词来形容他。pick one's~s 注意措辞; play on~s 玩弄文字;coin~s 造字; look up/hunt up a~in a dictionary 在词典里查找一个词; How do you pronounce/spell this~? 这个词怎么读/写? misuse/mispronounce/misspell a~用/念/拼错一个词;What's the French~for dog? 法语中狗这个字怎么说? None of the children knew what the~meant. 没有一个孩子知道这个词是什么意思。
(2)说的话,语言(short speech or conversation or remark or statement)[C]:put one's feelings into~s 用语言表达自己的感情;I don't believe a~of it/his story. 我一点儿也不相信这件事/他说的事。She didn't believe it anyway, not a~. 她怎么也不信,一点儿也不信。Trust him. His~is as good as his bond. 信任他。他的话绝对可以相信。I am a man of few~s/of my~s. 我是一个沉默寡言/说话算话的人。have no/find no/lack~s to express one's gratitude 没有恰当的语言可以表达自己的感激之情; W~s fail me. 我难以用语言表达我的感情。have a~in sb's ear 跟某人说句悄悄话; exchange a few~s with sb 与某人争辩(吵嘴); address a few~s to sb 对某人讲了几句话;They went/ate without a~. 他们一句话也没说就走了/闷头吃着。His father's~s rang in his head. 父亲的话在他脑海里回响。back up one's~s by one's deeds 以自己的行动证实自己所说的话;a few~s of advice/thanks/sympathy/warning 几句劝告/感激/同情/警告的话;doubt/borrow/understand sb's~怀疑/借用/明白某人的话;Between people like us there is no need for~s. 像我们这种关系不需要说什么。honeyed~s 甜言蜜语;〖同〗remark,comment;
(3)消息,信息(news or message)[U](不用冠词): The young man brought them~of her visit. 这个年轻人给他们带来了她要来访的消息。Have you heard any~of Tom lately? 你最近听到汤姆的消息了吗?W~came of his success abroad. 传来他在国外成功的消息。W~got out/was/came that he would go ahead of his project.传来消息说他将提前完成他的计划。She sent/left/got/had~that he had arrived safely. 她捎话说/留话说/得知/得知他已安全抵达。have no~from sb 没有某人的消息;await~from sb 等待某人的消息;〖同〗message,news,information;
(4)谣言,传闻(rumour or hearsay)[U,the~]:The~is that she's left Europe/gone back to Australia. 据说她已经离开欧洲/回到澳大利亚了。The~has it/comes that he's leaving. 据说他就要离开了。〖同〗rumour,gossip;
(5)命令,告之(giving the order or telling sb to do sth)[U,通常the~]:wait for the~to start shooting等待开始射击的命令;give the~to fire发出开火的命令; get the~to move 得到开始行动的命令;At/On the~of command,the troops moved forward.一声令下,部队开始向前运动。At/On his~,we started to work. 接到了他的指令,我们就开始工作。Just give us/say the~when you need more help. 当你还需要帮助时,请告诉我们/说一声。I have to say the~and the plan will be put into action. 我必须下令,计划将开始执行。Their~is law. 必须服从他们的命令。Doctors always have (get) the last/final~. 医生经常说了算。The last~is his/belongs to him. 他说了算。〖同〗command,order,direction,decree;
(6)歌词(written language for music)[C]:I know the tune of the song but I don't know the~s. 我知道这首歌的曲调,但我不知道歌词。try to get proper~s to this famous tune 试着给这首著名的曲子填上合适的词; set~s to music 为曲填词;~s by sb 由某人填词;
(7)圣经,福音(Holly Scriptures or the Gospels)[U,the W~]:the divine W~福音; the W~of God 圣经; preach/hear the W~传/听福音;〖同〗Bible,scripture;
a word to the wise 聪明人一点就透: A~to the wise is enough. 智者一言足矣。
as good as one's word 守信用: I know she is as good as her~, so I trust her. 我知道她言而有信,所以我相信她。
be not the word for不足以形容(infml):“Tired” isn't the~for the way I feel. “疲劳”一词难以形容我的感觉。
by/through word of mouth 口头上的:The news/rumour got around by~of mouth. 那个消息/谣言被传开了。
(right) from the word go 从一开始 (infml):No one told me that right from the~go. 从一开始就没人告诉我。
(hardly/not) get a word in edgeways (不)能插嘴: She couldn't/could hardly get a~in edgeways for those two kept shouting at each other. 她插不上/几乎插不上嘴,因为那两个人一直吵个不停。
give sb/keep one's word 许诺/守诺:I'll give her my~(my~to her). 我将对她许下诺言。The salesman has kept his~that he repaid us. 推销员遵守诺言赔偿了我们。
go back on/depart from/break one's word 食言:You have promised and you cannot go back on/depart from/break your~. 你已经作出许诺,你不能食言。
have sb's word for it (that...) 得到许诺:You can have my~for it that it won't happen again. 我可以向你保证,那种事不会再发生了。
(not) have a good word to say for...(不)说……的好话 (infml): He hardly has a good~to say for what I'm doing. 他对我正在做的事情几乎不说一句好话。
have a word (with sb) (about sth) 私下说:I want to have a~with you about last night. 关于昨晚的事我想和你说一句。
have (war of) words 争辩(吵)(infml): I can see I'll have to have~s with him about this. 我明白对这件事我得和他吵一架。
in a/one word 简而言之:In a/one~,I don't like him. 一句话,我不喜欢他。
in other words 换句话说: In other~s, they got lost. 也就是说,他们输了。
in one's own words 用自己的话: Tell me what happened in your own~s. 用你自己的话告诉我发生了什么事情。
(not) in so many words (没有) 直截了当地说:He didn't say so in so many~s,but that's what he meant. 他没有直截了当地这么讲,但这就是他的意思。
not a word (to sb) (about sth) 别说(讲):Not a~to anyone about this. 不要对任何人说这件事。
put in/say a (good) word for sb 为某人说好话: John's going to put in/to say a good~for me in the hope that his boss will give me a job. 约翰要为我说句好话,希望他的老板给我一份工作。
put words in(to) sb's mouth 硬说某人说过某些话:Did you put~s into his mouth or vice versa? 是你硬说是他说的,还是他硬说是你说的?
take sb at his word 相信某人的话:We just took her at her~and left straight away. 我们相信她的话,马上离开了。
take sb's word for it (that...) 相信某人的话: You can take my~for it that she's not there. 请你相信我的话,她不在那里。
take the words (right) out of sb's mouth 讲出某人要说的话:“Wasn't that a magnificent performance?” “You took the~s right out of my mouth.”“那难道不是一场精彩的演出吗?”“你说出了我要说的话。”
upon one's words 保证,说实话: Upon my~s, I've never heard of such a thing. 我敢保证,我从来没有听说过这件事。
word by word 一字一字地:The little boy read the story to me~by~. 小男孩一字一字地为我读那篇故事。
word for word 逐字地:He told me what she said~for~. 他一字不差地告诉我她说了什么。
vt 用词语表达(express by using words)[T+n,尤pass]: He~ed his explanation tactfully. (His explanation was tactfully~ed.) 他巧妙地作了解释。Try to~the letter/your answer in a friendly way. 写信/回答问题措辞尽量友好些。W~your idea clearly. 把你的想法表达清楚。These articles are plainly~ed. 这些文章浅显易懂。sharply~ed attacks措辞尖刻的攻击; strongly~ed editorials 措辞强硬的社论;a well~ed speech/statement/suggestion 措辞得体的演讲/声明/建议;〖同〗phrase,express,voice,describe,explain;
→′word-blindness n 失读症;′wording n 词语;措辞;′wordily adv 啰唆地;′wordiness n 啰唆;′wordless adj无言的;′word-sign n 文字记号;′word-smith n 耍笔杆子的人;′word-square n 缀词方阵;′wordy adj 啰唆的