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单词 woman
woman/′wʊmən/ n wo·men/′wɪmɪn/]

(1)成年女子(adult human female)[C]: a~of honour/the world 正派/深通世故的女人; a~of letters 女作家; a single/married/childless/cultured/decent~单身/已婚/没有孩子/有教养/正派的女子; an unmarried~未婚女子; a dissolute/fast/loose~放荡的女子; a high-bred/high-minded~出身高贵/品质高尚的女子; a drinking/car~女酒徒/汽车驾驶员; admit~to membership 接纳女子为会员; grow into/became a beautiful~长成/变成漂亮的女子; deliver a parturient~给产妇接生; play the~作女人姿态; His sisters are both grown women. 他的两个姐妹都长大成人了。She is her own~. 她是一个有独立见解的女人。a~driver/doctor/judge/friend/teacher/mayor/worker 女司机/医生/法官/朋友/教师/市长/工人;〖同〗lady;〖反〗man;

(2)娘们儿(used as an offensive form of address)[C](用作无礼的称呼):Shut up,~! 住嘴,你这个娘们儿! Do what you're told,~! 叫你干什么你就干什么,你这个娘们儿! Drat the~,she really gets on my nerves! 讨厌的娘们儿,她真烦死我了!

(3)女人(性)(females considered as a whole)[U]:W~lives longer than man in most countries/is different from man in being able to give birth to children. 女性在很多国家都比男性活得长/不同于男性之处是能够生孩子。W~must strive for political freedom. 妇女必须争取政治上的自由。modern~现代女性;〖同〗womankind,females;〖反〗manhood,male;

(4)女性的特点 (female nature or quality) [Uthe~]: a man with something of a/the~in him 一个带点女人味儿的男人; There's not much of the~about her. 她没有多少女人味儿。He is a~in tenderness. 他温柔得像女人一样。I want to chat to her,~to~,on her level. 我想和她坦诚地聊聊,女人对女人式地。

(5)女佣(female domestic helper)[C](infml):employ a~to do washing for sb 雇个女佣帮某人洗衣服;We have a~who comes in to do the cleaning. 我们有个女佣来打扫卫生。The Queen's women surrounded her/helped her put on the royal robe. 王后的女仆们簇拥着她/帮她穿上王室的礼服。a daily~朝来夜归的女佣;〖同〗maid,maidservant,housekeeper,charwoman;〖反〗man,manservant;

(6)妻子,情人(wife or mistress)[C]:the sheikh and all his women 酋长和他的妻子们; Who is the~in your son's life? 谁是和你儿子同居的人? a~of easy virtue/the street(s) 妓女;〖同〗lover,mistress,sweetheart,wife;

→′chairwoman n 女主席;′businesswoman n 女商人;′horsewoman n 女骑手;′sports-woman n 女运动员;′womanhood n 成年女子的身分或状态;′womanish adj(贬)女人气的;′womanize,-ise v 与许多女子发生性关系;′womanizer,-iser n 与许多女子发生性关系的男子;′womankind n (fml) 女人,女性;′womanliness n 女人气;′womanly adj(褒)像女子的,女性的;

【辨异】woman female lady 的区别见FEMALE。





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