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单词 wolf
wolf/wʊlf/ n wolves/wʊlvz/]; vt

n (1)狼(flesh-eating animal that resembles the related dog)[C]: a pack of wolves 一群狼;eat like a~狼吞虎咽;We could hear the~ves howling. 我们能听见狼嚎。cry~发假警报; He is a lone~.(fig) 他是一个离群索居的人。set the~to keep the sheep (fig) 引狼入室; have/hold a~by the ears (fig) 进退两难; wake a sleeping~(fig) 自找麻烦;

(2)恶人,色狼(cruel person or man who is fond of women)[C]:He keeps paying her compliments and she doesn't realize what a~he is. 他总是恭维她,可她并没有认识到他是一个居心不良的人。a big bad~大坏蛋;

keep the wolf from the door 免于饥饿:John's money could hardly keep the~from the door. 约翰的钱难以维持生活。

a wolf in sheep's clothing 披羊皮的狼:That businessman was really a~in sheep's clothing by selling me a car that was falling apart. 那个商人真是个披着羊皮的豺狼,竟然卖给我一辆快散架的汽车。

throw sb to the wolves 任某人遭殃: If you don't turn over a new leaf, you'll be thrown to the wolves. 如果你不改邪归正,你就等着遭殃吧。

→′wolfish adj 似狼的;′wolf-cub n 狼崽儿;′wolfhound n 猎狼犬;′wolf-whistle n & v(男性见到性感女子时吹的)口哨声;

vt 贪婪地吃,狼吞虎咽(eat greedily or devour)[T+nT+n+adv (down)](infml): He~ed (down) his breakfast/his meal/the whole cake,and hurried out. 他狼吞虎咽地吃下早饭/饭/整块蛋糕就急急忙忙地出去了。Don't~down your food. 吃东西不要狼吞虎咽。





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