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单词 pin
释义 pin1 /pin; pin/ n 1 short, thin piece of stiff wire with a sharp point and a round head, used for fastening together parts of a dress, papers, etc. 大头针。 don't care a pin, dont care at all. 一点也不在乎。 neat as a new pin, very neat. 罪常整洁。 pins and needles, tingling sensation in a part of the body caused by blood flowing again after its circulation has been checked for a time. (身体某部血液受阻一段时间后,再行流动时所感到的) 发麻; 刺麻。 2 similar piece of wire with an ornamental head for special purposes: 饰针; 别针: a 'tie-pin; 领带别针; a 'hat-pin. 帽子饰针。 safety-pin, pin bent with a guard at one end to protect and hold fast the point at the other end. 安全别针。 → the illus at safety. 参看 safety 之插图。 3 peg of wood or metal for various purposes. (木制的或金属的) 栓; 钉; 针。 drawing-pin at drawing, hairpin at hair (2), ninepins, rolling-pin at roll2(10); peg round which a string of a musical instrument is fastened. (乐器上系弦的) 木栓。 'pinball n game played with a small ball which has to be electrically struck against one of several upright knobs, and guided into one of several numbered holes on a sloping board. 弹球戏 (斜板上置若干标有数字的洞,电动弹球进洞时需触及钉于板上的钉头) 。 'pin-table n table used in pin-ball. 弹球台。 4 (pl) (sl) legs: (复) (俚) 腿: He's quick on his ~ £ 他走 (跑) 得快。 5 (compounds) (复合字) 'pincushion n pad into which (a dressmaker's) pins are stuck. (裁缝插针用的) 针 M pinhead n (colloq) very stupid person. (俗) 非常愚蠢之人; 傻瓜。 'pin-money n [U] money allowance to, or money earned by, a woman for dress, small personal necessities, etc. (给妇女的) 零用钱; (妇女的) 私房钱。 'pin-point n sth very small; (attrib, of targets) requiring accurate and precise bombing or shelling. 极小之物; (形容用法,指目标) 需要精确轰击的。 vt find, hit, such a target with the required accuracy: 精确地找到 (目标); 精确地轰击 (目标): Our planes pin-pointed the target. 我们的飞机精确地炸中目标。 'pin-prick n (fig) small act, remark, etc causing annoyance. (喻) 令人气恼的小动作、话语等 o'pin-stripe adj (of dress material) with many very narrow .stripes. (指衣料) 带有许多细窄条纹的。




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