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单词 witness
witness/′wɪtnəs/ n [-es/ ɪz/];v [-es/ ɪz/;-ed,-ed/t/]

n (1)目击者(person who sees an accident on the spot)[C](=eyewitness): a~of the accident 事故的目击者;Police have appealed for~es to come forward. 警察呼吁目击者挺身而出。Were there any~es to the accident/to their quarrel? 出车祸/他们吵架时有人在场吗?〖同〗eyewitness,onlooker,observer,spectator;

(2)证人(person who provides evidence in a law court)[C]: a~for the defence/the prosecution 被告/原告的证人; a credit/disinterested/material/perjured/star~可信/公正/重要/作伪证/主要的证人; a~against the accused 不利于被告的证人; attend a court as a~作为证人出庭; examine/question/interrogate a~in a law court 在法庭上询问证人; swear a~令证人宣誓; The chief~was cross-examined by the defending counsel. 主要证人受到辩护律师的盘问。The attorney for the defence called/summoned his next~. 被告的律师传叫下一位证人。〖同〗testifier,attester;

(3)见证人(person who is present at the writing of an official paper and signs his name as well)[C]:be/act as a~to the agreement (to the will) 作为协议(遗嘱)签署的见证人;You can't sign your will without a~. 没有见证人您不能签署遗嘱。

(4)证词(明,据)(sth which gives proof of or testifies to)[UC 通常sing](fml): false~伪证词; call sb to~叫某人作证; hear~听取证词; History is the most telling~. 历史是最有力的见证。bear/stand/give~on behalf of an accused person 为一被告提供证词; bear~in the murder case 在这件谋杀案中提供证词; Your compassion can bear~to your noble spirits. 你的同情心能证明你的精神高尚。His friend can bear~to his generosity. 他的朋友可以证明他为人慷慨大方。The martyrs were willing to die in~of their faith. 殉教者们愿意以死来证明他们的忠心。His worried look was a~to the strain he was under. 他的焦虑神态表明他劳累过度。His whole life was a~to his honesty. 他的一生证明了他是一个诚实之人。〖同〗evidence,testimony,proof,confirmation;

v(1)目击(see or notice by being present)[T+n]:~the attack/the accident/the robbery/the murder 目睹这一攻击/事故/抢劫案/谋杀案;We were~ing his family financial problems/a strange change in her/the most important scientific development of the century. 我们亲眼目睹了他家的财政问题/她的奇怪变化/本世纪最重要的科学进展。The 1980's has~ed the increasing unemployment. 20世纪80年代经历了失业率的上升。This auditorium has~ed many ceremonies. 在这个大礼堂内举行过多次庆典。〖同〗see,observe,view,note,notice,watch;〖反〗overlook,ignore,neglect;

(2)为……作证(be present at the making of)[T+n]:~the signing of a contract/a will/a treaty 为一合同/遗嘱/条约的签署作证;He~ed my signature on the new agreement. 他为我在新协议书上的签字作证。He~ed the documents by signing his name under mine. 他在文件上我的签名下面签署自己的名字,以此为我作证。A notary public must~the signature on the contract. 公证人必须为合同上的签字作证。My wife can~that I was at home all evening. 我妻子可以证明我整个晚上都在家里。〖同〗confirm,testify,initial,evidence;〖反〗disprove;

(3)出庭作证(tell or prove sth in a law court)[I+prep (to)](fml): She~ed to the events of that evening/the truth of a statement. 她为那晚发生的事情/供词的属实出庭作证。~to having seen the man enter the building 出庭证明看见那人进了大楼;My neighbour will~for me in this charge/against the accused. 我的邻居将在这次指控中为我作证/证明被告有罪。〖同〗prove,confirm,testify,evidence;〖反〗disprove;

(4)表明,证实(be a sign or proof of)[T+nI+prep(to)]:Severe damage~ed the destructive force of the storm. 严重的损失证实了暴风雨的具大破坏力。Her tears/The redness of her cheeks~ed the shame she felt. 她的眼泪/脸颊绯红表明她感到羞愧。His appearance~es what he has suffered. 他的外貌证实了他所遭受的一切。This gift~es to his generosity. 这件礼物表明他慷慨大方。His action~es to his trustworthiness. 他的行为证明他值得信赖。〖同〗show,confirm;

→′witness-box (BrE) n (AmE ′witness-stand)n 证人席;

【辨异】witness observe 的区别见OBSERVE。





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