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单词 pin
释义 pin2 /pm; pin/ vt (-nn-) [VP15A, B] 1 fasten (things together, up, to sth, etc) with a pin or pins: (用针) 别住; 钉住 (东西,后接 together, up, to 等): pin papers together; 将文件用针别起来; pin up a notice, eg with drawing-pins on a notice-board. 钉上一张吿示 (如用图钉钉在布吿板上) 。 pin sth on sb, make him appear responsible; place the blame for sth on sb. 让某人对某事负责; 将责任推到某人身上。 pin one's hopes on sb, have strong hope that he will help; rely on him unquestioningly. 将希望寄托在某人身上; 毫不怀疑地依赖某人。 'pin-up n picture of a favourite or much admired person, pinned up on a wall: 钉在糖上的最令人喜欢或十分令人爱慕的人物的照片: (attrib) (形容用法) a 'pin-up girl. 其照片常被人钉在墙上的漂亮女孩子。 2 make unable to move: 阻止; 扣牢; 止住: He was pinned under the wreckage/the wrecked car. 他被击在残骸 (破车子) 底下。 He pinned his assailant against the wall, held him there and prevented him f rom moving. 他把攻击他的人按在墙上。 The troops were pinned down by accurate fire, were unable to advance or withdraw. 部队被准确的炮火所困 (无法前进或后退) . pin sb down, (fig) get him to commit himself, to state his intentions, etc: (喻) 使某人履行其义务 (说明其意图等): He's a difficult man to pin down. 他是个不易就庵的人。 sb down to sth, get him to agree to keep, eg a promise, an agreement.. 使某人信守诺言(遵守合约)。




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