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单词 without
without/wɪ ð′aʊt/ prep adv & n

prep (1)无,没有(in a state of not having):three days~food/sleep 三天没吃东西/没睡觉; go out~a coat 不穿外套外出;go shopping~any money 没带钱去买东西;speak to the audience~much exaggeration/enthusiasm/expression/a sense of humour 对观众讲话时不太夸张/无精打采/毫无表情/毫无幽默感;do sth~difficulty/help/hesitation/inspiration/delay/trouble/necessary permit/a very good reason/any hope of reward 不费力气/不用帮助/毫不犹豫/毫无灵感/毫不迟延/毫不麻烦/没有获得必要的允许/没有正当理由/没有任何回报希望地做某事;You are not allowed in~a visa/a passport. 没有签证/护照你不能入境。His case is~much hope. 他的案子没多大希望。

(2)在无……的情况下,不包括(having no sb/sth in company or not including):We couldn't have done it~John/his help. 没有约翰/他的帮助我们不可能做成这件事。W~her,he could die/couldn't live. 没有她,他就会毁灭/活不成了。How can you live/survive~hope? 没有希望你怎么能活/生存下去呢?feel lonely~sb 没有某人感到很孤独;No sweetsweat.(prov) 没有苦哪有甜。

(3)不使用(not using):The old man can't walk~a walking stick/read~his glasses. 那位老人不用拐杖就不能走路/不戴眼镜就不能看书。The chairs are hard~cushions. 椅子没有椅垫儿坐着很硬。

(4)无,没,不(no)(与-ing分词短语连用):leave~saying goodbye/telling sb 招呼也没打/没告诉某人一声就离开了;walk past sb~speaking/his knowing 从某人身旁走过,一句话也没说/他没有察觉;Try and do it~making any mistakes/letting anyone else know. 努力去做这件事争取不要出错/让其他人知道。To come in~knocking is not polite. 不敲门就进来是不礼貌的。You can't move in~everybody knowing. 你只要搬进来,大家必然会知道。I can make a deal~being cheated. 我做买卖不会受骗。do it~being caught 做那事而不被捉住;go back home~having achieved any success 没有取得任何成就就回家了;

(5)在……之外(outside)(古用法):~the city walls/the city 在城墙/城外;~the terms of the agreement 协议之外; wait~the door 在门外等候;

do without 不要(用,吃)……也行:It's something I can't do~. 这东西我不能不要。

go without 没(吃,睡,穿):I can't go~sleep for two nights. 两夜不睡我可受不了。

go without saying 不用说,不成问题:It goes~saying that he will come. 不用说他肯定来。

without fail 一定: You must be here at ten sharp~fail. 10点整你一定要在这儿等着。

adv(1)在外边(outside):a sturdy structure within and~内外坚固的结构; It is cold~. 外边很冷。Watermelons are green~and red within. 西瓜皮绿瓤红。Your carriage is~,my lady. 夫人,你的车停在外面。The king waits~! 国王在外面等着呢!

(2)没有(not having):Since there is no milk left, we'll have to manage/do~. 既然没有牛奶了,我们只好凑合/不喝了。We must take it or go~. 我们必须吃这个,要不然只得空着肚子了。rent a suit of two bed-rooms, one with furniture and the other~租一套两居室,一间有家具,一间没家具;

n外面(部)(outside)[U]:The door itself opened from~. 门自己从外面开了。as seen from~从外部来看;〖同〗outside;〖反〗inside





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