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单词 withdraw
withdraw/wɪ ð′drɔ: / vwithdrew/wið′dru: /,withdrawn/wið′drɔ:n/]

(1)收回,撤回(take or pull away or back)[T+nT+n+prep(from)]:~the army/the troops 撤回军队/部队;The soldiers have been withdrawn from a position made untenable by heavy shelling. 士兵们已撤离炮火密集无法坚守的阵地。Our forces were withdrawn from the dangerous area. 我们的部队撤出了这个危险地区。~the key from the door/one's hand from one's pocket/one's name from the list 从门上拔出钥匙/口袋里抽出手/名单上画掉自己的名字;~one's horse from the race/one's children from that unsuitable school 从赛马场上撤回自己的马/让孩子们从不适宜的学校退学;~one's eyes from the terrible sight 目光躲开恐怖的景象; The old coins have been withdrawn from circulation. 旧硬币已经回收不再流通了。The drug was withdrawn from the market. 这种药品已经在市场上停止销售了。〖同〗remove,extract,retreat;〖反〗continue;

(2)提款,取钱(draw money from a place of deposit)[T+n]:~$50/all one's savings from one's bank account 从自己的银行账户中取出50美元/所有的存款;You must present your cheque card when you~any money. 取款前你必须出示支票卡。〖同〗remove,extract;〖反〗deposit;

(3)收回,撤回(销)(take back or retract)[T+n](fml):~one's statement/one's previous remarks/one's offensive remarks/one's support for the plan 收回自己的声明/以前说的话/那些冒犯的话/对这个计划的支持;~an offer/an allegation/that point/what one said 取消一项提议/一个主张/那个观点/自己说过的话;He later withdrew the charges/the criticism he made against her. 他后来撤销了对她的指控/批评。〖同〗retract,recall;〖反〗introduce,propose,advance;

(4)离开,退(撤)出(leave a place or sb)[II+prep(from)]:The waiter withdrew after serving the meal. 服务员把饭菜摆好之后退了出去。She withdrew against the wall as the car passed close by. 汽车从她身旁开过时,她退到了墙边。~to the next room/one's office 退到隔壁房间/自己的办公室;~from society/the room/the meeting 隐遁/离开房间/退席;~from the election/the race/the competition 退出竞选/竞赛/竞争;The troops withdrew from the firing-line/to a less exposed position. 军队从火线上撤了回来/撤到更加隐蔽的地方。~into oneself (fig)变得落落寡合;〖同〗retire,retreat,depart,disappear;〖反〗arrive,come,appear;

→with′drawal n 收回,撤回,取款;

【辨异】withdraw departleave1 retire 的区别见DEPART。





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