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单词 wish
wish/wɪ ʃ/ v [-es/ ɪz/]; n [-es/ ɪz/]

v (1)希望,想得到(hope to have sth)[I+prep (for)]: One cannot~for things he can't have. 不要希望得到得不到的东西。How I~for a chance to go abroad! 我多么希望有机会出国呀! The weather is everything they could~for. 这天气是他们求之不得的。〖同〗want,desire,hope,long,thirst;

(2)但愿,恨不得(have sth as a desire which is unlikely to happen or be fulfilled)[T+thatC+n+adj](从句中用过去时态): Everyone~es he were rich. 每个人都希望富有。I~(that) you told me the whole truth/the child could go with me. 我真希望你告诉我全部事实/孩子能和我一起去。The captain~ed (that) he hadn't told them the bad news/his wife had not been killed in a car accident. 船长真希望没有告诉他们这个坏消息/他的妻子没有死于车祸。We~ed (that) she would have gone with us. 我们真希望她和我们一起去了。 The old man~ed himself dead/alive. 那个老人恨不得死了/但愿能活着。The boss~ed the work done/finished quickly. 老板但愿工作很快完成。The sailor~ed the voyage at an end/himself out of the affair. 水手希望航行结束/自己没介入这件事。We~that naughty boy anywhere except in our house. 我们恨不得那个淘气的孩子在哪儿都行,就是别在我们家。〖同〗want,desire,hope,long,thirst,aspire;

(3)要求,想要(express a requirement or a want)[T+nT+to-infC+n+to-inf](fml): I'll finish that tomorrow if that's what you~. 如果你这样要求,我将明天完成。The father~ed to make a will. 父亲想要立下遗嘱。The manager~ed it to be clear that the contract had been signed. 经理希望明确一下,该合同已经签定。Do you~your breakfast (to be) brought to your room,madam? 夫人,您是否要求早餐送到您的房间?Do you~your coffee black or white,sir? 先生,您的咖啡是加牛奶还是不加?〖同〗want,desire,hope,long;

(4)祝(愿)(express one's hope)[D+n+n]:~sb good luck/happiness/a safe journey/success 祝某人好运/幸福/旅途平安/成功; My friends~me the very best of luck/all the best/good health. 我的朋友祝愿我万事如意/一切如意/身体健康。

(5)向……致以(问候)(greet to sb)[D+n+n]:~sb good morning/good night/good-bye/farewell/welcome/happy birthday/a merry Christmas 向某人问好/道晚安/告别/告别/表示欢迎/祝贺生日快乐/祝贺圣诞快乐;〖同〗greet;

(6)许愿(express a ritual desire)[IT+n]:I cupped my hands and~ed. 我双手合十许了愿。What did you~when you blew the candles? 当你吹灭蜡烛时,你许了什么愿? 〖同〗desire,hope,want,long;

(just) as you wish 如你所愿:We can do it today or tomorrow,just as you~. 我们可以今天做,也可以明天做,随你的便。

wish sb well/ill 祝某人好运/愿某人倒霉:My friends~me well. 我的朋友祝我走运。She meant she~ed no one ill. 她的意思是说她不希望任何人遭殃。

wish away(v adv)摆脱,除去(vt):These troubles can be~ed away. 这些麻烦可望被摆脱掉。

wish sb/sth on sb 把……硬塞给(infml):This is a very important task,and you just can't~it on anybody. 这是一件重要的任务,你不能随便塞给什么人去做。

wish sth off on sb 希望摆脱某事让其落于别人身上:I~ed such an unrighteous matter off on others. 我希望这件不公正的事落在别人身上。

n(1)希(愿)望(instance of wishing)[C][N+to-infN(for)]:At last,her~came true. 最终,她的愿望实现了。do sth against sb's~es 违背某人的意愿做某事; attain one's~es 如愿以偿; consult/disregard sb's~es 考虑/不顾某人的愿望; gratify/meet/satisfy/grant sb's~es 满足某人的愿望; fulfil/go against sb's~实现/违背某人的意愿;voice one's~es 说出自己的愿望;The Board expressed/made the~that the Chairman resign. 董事会表明希望董事长辞职。an earnest~热情的希望;a fervent/last/long-cherished/sincere and heart-felt~强烈的愿望/临终夙愿/夙愿/诚挚的愿望; She has a~to go to the moon. 她有一个登上月球的愿望。I had no~to offend anybody. 我不希望冒犯任何人。I have no~for fame and money. 我不求名,不求利。The~is father to the thought.(fml) 愿望为信念之父。to one's~按照自己的愿望;Your~is my command. 我对你唯命是从。〖同〗want,desire,hope,ambition;

(2)祝愿(福)(expressed wish)[pl][N(for)]:I cabled my best~es for her/every good~for her recovery. 我拍电报向她致以最良好的祝愿/祝她康复。with best~es 致以最良好的祝愿(尤其用于信尾); extend/give/send one's best~es to sb 向某人祝福;

(3)许愿(ritual act of desire)[C]: The fairy godmother granted the fisherman's wife three~es. 仙母应允了渔夫的妻子三个愿望。She made a~before blew the candles. 她在吹灭蜡烛之前许了一个愿。

(4)希望得到的东西(sth that is wished for)[U]: He will get his~.他会如愿以偿的。

→′wish-wash n 淡酒;无聊的文章;′wishbone n 叉骨,如愿骨;′wishful adj 表示(怀有)希望的;

【辨异】 1)wish hope 的区别见 HOPE;2)wish desire want 的区别见DESIRE。





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