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单词 pick
释义 pick3 /pik; pik/ vt, vi (For special uses with adverbial particles and preps, 8 7 below.) (与副词接语及介词连用的特殊用法参看下列第 7 义。) 1 [VP6A] take up, remove, pull away, with the fingers: (以手指)采; 摘; 取去: ~ flowers, gather flowers; 摘花; 采花; ~ fruit, take fruit from the bush or tree; 摘水果; ~ a thread from one's coat; 从外套上拔下一根线; ~ one's nose, remove bits of dried mucus from the nostrils. 物鼻孔。 ~ sb's brains, get ideas and information from sb. 剽窃某人的思想。 ~ sb's pocket, steel sth from it. 祈取箕入口袋内的东西; 扒某人的口袋。 Hence, 由此产生, '■ ~ pocket n person who ~s pockets. 扒手。 ~ and steal, pilfer, 扒窃。 2 [VP6A] tear or separate; use a pointed instrument to clean, etc: 撕; 扯; 剔; 挖: ~ rags, tear them to small pieces; 撕破布; ~ one's teeth, get bits of food from the spaces between them, etc by using a pointed stick of wood (a 'toothpick); (以牙签 toothpick) 剔牙; ~ a lock, use a pointed tool, a piecF of wire, etc to unlock it without a key; 核开锁; ~ a bone, get all the meat from it. 啃骨头(啃食骨头上的肉 )n have a 'bone to ~ with sb, cbone ⑴ . 3 [VP6A] choose; select: 挑选; 选择: ~ only the best; 只挑最好的; ~ one's words, choose those words that express one's meaning best, that will not cause offence, etc (according to context); 慎选最适当的字眼; 注意措词; ~ one's way along a muddy road; 在泥潭的路上选择可走的路; ~ sides, choose players for the two teams in a game (of football, cricket, etc) or competition; (足球、板球等比赛或竞赛时)挑选两队选手; ~ the winning horse/ ~ the winner, make a successful guess at the winner (before the race). poor child? 你为什么总是找那个可怜的小孩的毛病? pick sth off. take or pluck off. 摘去。 ~ sb off. shoot him with deliberate aim: 厢准 if 死某人: A sniper behind the bushes ~ed off three of our (赛马之前)挑中获胜的马(获胜者)。 ~ a quarrel with sb, bring about a quarrel intentionally. 向某人挑衅; 故意和某人争吵。 4 [VP6A] make by ~ing: 剔成; 挖成;凿成: ~ holes in sth. 在某物上凿洞。 ~ holes in an argument, (fig) find its weak points. (喻)在辩论中找漏洞。 5 [VP6A] (of birds) take up (grain, etc) in the bill; peck; (of persons) eat (food, etc) in small amounts; (指鸟)啄食(故物等); (指人) 一点一点地吃(食物等)。 [VP3A] ~ at. eat without interest or appetite: 不感兴趣或没食欲地吃: She only ~ed at her food. 她只吃了一点点食物。 6 (US) pluck (the strings of): (美)弹奏; 拨奏(琴弦): ~ a banjo/the strings of a banjo. 弹奏五弦琴。 7 [VP3A, 15B] (special uses with adverbial particles and preps): (与副词接语及介词连用的特殊用法): pick at sb, (colloq) nag at; find fault with: (俗)挑剔; 找毛病 are you always ~ing at the men. 藏在树丛后面的一个狙击手射死了我方三个人。 pick on sb, single out, esp for sth unpleasant: 挑选某人(尤指挑选去做不愉快的事): Why should you ~ on me to do the chores? 你为什么要挑我去做那 pick sb/sth out, a choose. 选择; 选拔。 b distinguish from surrounding persons, objects, etc: 分辨出: ~ out one's friends in a crowd. 在人群中辨出自己的朋友。 ~ sth out. a make out, see, (the meaning of a passage, etc) by careful study. 了解; 领会(一段文字的含义等)。 b play (a tune) by ear on a piano, etc. 凭听过后的记忆而弹奏(曲子)。 c relieve (one colour, the ground colour) with touches of a different colour: 衬托; 使(一种颜色、底色)明显: green panels ~ed out with brown. 以褐色衬托的绿镶板。 pick sth over, examine and make a selection from: 检査并从中挑选: ~ over a basket of strawberries, eg to throw out any that are bad. 拣选一篮草莓(把坏的挑掉)。 pick sth up, a break up (ground) with a pickaxe. 用尖锄掘(地)。 b take hold of and lift: 拾起; 捡起: ~ up one's hat/parcels, etc. 拾起帽子(包里等)。 c gain; acquire: 得到; 获得: ~ up a foreign language, learn it without taking lessons or studying; 自然学得一种外文; ~ up a livelihood by selling things from door to door; 靠挨家售卖东西谋生; ~ up bits of information; 得到一些消息扇得点滴的资料; ~ up a bargain at an auction sale. 荏拍资时买到便宜货。 The locomotive ~ up current from a third rail. 火车机车从第三轨获得电力。 d succeed in seeing or hearing (by means of apparatus) : (借着仪器)看到; 听到; 侦得: enemy planes ~ed up by our searchlights/radar installations, etc. 被我们的探照灯照到(雷达测得等) 的敌机。 e recover; regain: 恢复; 重获: You'll soon ~ up health when you get to the seaside. 你到了海滨,就会很快地恢复健康。 ~ sb up, a make the acquaintance of casually: 偶然结识: a girl he ~ ad up on the street. 他在街上邂逅的女孩子。 b take (persons) along with one: 搭载(人); 带(人)走: He stopped the car to ~ up a young girl who was hitch-hiking across Europe. 他停下车来搭载一个乘便车旅行欧洲的年轻女郞。 The escaped prisoner was ~ed up (= seen and arrested) by the police at Hull. 逃犯在赫尔被警察逮到了。 ~ oneself up, raise (oneself) after a fall: 跌倒后白己站起来: She slipped and fell, but quickly ~ed herself up. 她滑了一交, 但是很快地站了起来。 ~ up (health), recover health; improvje: 被复窿鸢; 健康进步: He's beginning- to ~ up now. 他现在已开始康复了。 ~ up speed, gain speed. 加速。 ~ up with sb. make acquaintance with: 结 M; M→ 交朋友: Where did you ~ up with that queer fellow? 你在什么地方结识那个怪像伙的? '~-up n (pl ~-ups) a that part of a record-player that holds the stylus. 唱头(电唱机之装置唱针的部分)。 b small general-purpose van or truck, open and with low sides, (eg as used by builders, farmers, etc, for carrying merchandise). 小型轻便汽车(如建筑商、农夫等用于载货的车子)。 c (sl) person whose acquaintance is made casually. (俚)偶然认识的人。 d acceleration: 加速: 0 en-gine/car with a good ~-up. 加速效能良好的引擎(车子 )o ~-me-up /'pik mi Ap; 'pikmiAp/ n sth, eg a drink, that gives new strength and cheerfulness.. 增加精力或使人愉快之物(如饮料); 提神酒。




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