单词 | wisdom |
释义 | wisdom/′wɪzdəm/ n (1)智慧(knowledge gained through experience or learning)[U]: a man of great~智慧非凡的人;collective/human/scientific/superhuman~集体/人类/科学/超人的智慧;learned/practical~学识/常识; overestimate sb's~and power 过高地估计某人的智慧和能力; increase/grow/advance~增长才智; show great~in what one said and did 某人在语言和行动中显示出超常的智慧;lack/get~缺乏/获得智慧;She had acquired much~during her long life. 她在漫长的岁月中积累了丰富的智慧。Learn~by the follies of others.(prov) 从别人的愚蠢中学到智慧。She spoke with authority as well as~. 她的讲话既有权威性又充满了智慧。the wit and~哲人贤士;worldly~处事本领;a~tooth 智齿;〖同〗learning,philosophy;〖反〗foolishness,stupidity; (2)明智,正确的判断(good sense or judgement)[U]: consider/question/doubt the~of ... 考虑/质疑/怀疑……是否明智; far-seeing~先见之明; Events were to show the~of maintaining these reserve forces. 事态的发展会证明保留这些后备部队是正确的。(sth) prove the~of their decision (某事)证明他们的决定是明智的;Doubts were expressed about the~of the visit. 对访问的正确性表示怀疑。She had the~to marry a lawyer/to refuse. 她与律师结婚/拒绝是明智的。It is a characteristic of~not to do desperate things. 明智的一个特点是不孤注一掷。〖同〗judgement,profundity,comprehension,intelligence;〖反〗foolishness,stupidity,nonsense,senselessness; (3)有见识的想(说)法(wise thoughts and sayings) [U](fml): the~of the ancients 古人的至理名言; folk~俗语; pour forth~滔滔不绝地说出意见; The text contains much of the old~. 原文引用很多古训。The class will discuss the~of Plato. 课上将讨论柏拉图的名言。According to the received/conventional~in these matters,the voters usually make their choice on the basis of domestic issues. 根据公认的/传统的看法,选民们总是基于本国事务来投票的。〖同〗judgement,understanding,comprehension,intelligence;〖反〗foolishness,stupidity,nonsense,silliness; →wise adj |
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