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单词 wire
wire/′waɪ ə(r)/ nvt [-d,-d/d/;-eing/rɪ ŋ/]

n (1)金属线(丝)(length of thin metal in the form of thread)[UC]: a piece/length/coil of copper~一根/段/卷铜丝; iron/bronze~铁/铜丝; piano/barbed~钢琴琴弦/带刺的铁丝; put beads/pearls on fine~把珠子/珍珠用细铁丝串起来;We used~instead of string to fasten the supporters. 我们用铁丝而不是用绳子固定支架。Fine~twists easily. 细铁丝易弯。a high~高空钢丝索; twist together~s 把铁丝合股拧在一起; overhead lights suspended from~s 用铁丝悬挂的吊灯;a~fence/brush/rope/bridge 铁丝网/钢丝刷/钢索/钢索吊桥;~netting/wool/cloth 金属丝网/钢丝绒/金属丝布;The new building is windowed with~glass. 新建筑物的窗户装的是夹丝安全玻璃。〖同〗line,cable;

(2)电(导)线(line for carrying electricity or signals)[UC]:fuse/safety/enamelled/electric/ground/earth~保险丝/保险丝/漆包线/电线/地线/地线;have some~to connect the table lamp to the socket 需要一些电线把台灯接到插座上; an aerial/open~ 天/裸线; a private/high-tension~专用/高压线; Connect one~to each terminal. 给每个终端接一根电线。One of the connecting~s came loose. 一根接线松了。The powerful electric current runs through/is carried along the~s. 强电流通过电线。Don't touch the~or you will get a shock.不要触摸电线,不然你会触电。lay/cut off/tear down a telephone~架设/切断/切断电话线; tap a telephone~窃听电话;〖同〗line,cable;

(3)(用金属丝做成的)障碍物(构架)(framework or barrier made of woven wires)[Ua~]: behind the~of a prison stockade 在监狱围栏的铁丝网后面; get through the~at the front of the cage 穿过笼子前面的拦网;〖同〗frame,barrier;

(4)电报(cable or telegram)[C](infml)(尤 AmE): We sent (off) a~ordering a room. 我们拍电报订一个房间。We have received a~saying that they had arrived safely. 我们收到了他们安全抵达的电报。The message came over the~. 这消息是电报发来的。report/send sth to sb by~用电报向某人报告/传送某事; rediffusion on~有线广播; A Beijing~/A~from Beijing says... 北京来电说…… a~agency/copy 通讯社/外电新闻稿;〖同〗cable,telegram,telegraph;

get one's wires crossed 误解或搞错别人所说的话(infml):You may have got your~s crossed and today is Monday. 也许你搞错了,今天是星期一。

a live wire 1)通电的电线: Don't touch it and it is a live~. 不要触摸,那电线带电。2)精力充沛的人:He is a live~although he's over 70. 虽然70多岁了,他还是精力充沛。

pull (the) wires 1)暗中操纵: He is the man pulling the~s. 他是暗中操纵的人。2)利用私人关系: He pulled~s to find a part-time job. 他通过私人关系找到一个兼职的差事。

under the wire 在最后期限前: hand in the homework under the~在期限的最后一天交作业;

→′wire-cutter n 钢丝钳;′wire-dancer n 走钢丝者;͵wire-′haired adj 毛硬的;′wireless n 无线;′wireman n 架线工;′wire-puller n 幕后操纵者;′wire-pulling n 幕后操纵;′wire-tapping n 电话窃听;′wire-work n 金属丝加工;金属丝制品;′wireworker n 金属丝工匠;′wireworks n 金属丝制造厂;′wire-wove adj 用金属丝网的;′wiry adj 似金属线的;(指人)瘦而强壮的;(指物)结实的,坚固的;

vt(1)(用金属丝)捆绑(系住)(bind and fasten sth together with a wire or wires)[T+n+prep (onto/to),T+n+adv(together)]:The boy~d the lantern (on) to one end of the stick. 小男孩用铁丝把灯笼系在棍子的一端。The broken jaw/two ends of the chain was (were)~d together. 破裂的颚骨/链子的两端用钢丝固定在一起。〖同〗fasten,tie;〖反〗unfasten;

(2)接上电线通电(supply the power by connecting the wires)[T+nT+n+prep (for),T+n+adv(up)]:~the studio/house/apartment 给播音室/房子/公寓接上电线;The newly-built sound lab has just been~d for electricity/for sound. 新建的语音实验室刚刚接上电线/音响。Is your house~d for receiving cable TV? 你家接通有线电视了吗?The electric cooker/room has not been~d up yet. 电锅/房间还没接电线。have the electric fittings~d up to the room 把屋内的电器都接上; Are both ends~d in yet? 电线两头儿都接上了吗? W~the two ends to the plug/together. 把电线的两端接到插头上/接在一起。〖同〗connect,link;〖反〗disconnect,untie;

(3)发电报(send a cable or telegram)[T+nT+thatD+n+thatD+to+n+thatC+n+to-infD+to+to-inf](infml)(尤 AmE):~one's reply/one's answer/sb's coming/the time of sb's arrival 打电报给予答复/给予回答/告诉某人要来/告知某人抵达的时间; The student~d home the date of his graduation ceremony. 这名学生拍电报告知家里其毕业典礼的日期。Please~me if you can't come. 如果你不能来请给我打电报。~sb for money/the living expenses/the result of experiment 给某人拍电报要钱/生活费/试验结果;~back (sb) that one would be delayed/one will come as soon as possible(给某人)拍电报告知自己将被耽搁/尽可能早来;~(to) sb that the payment would be made in time 给某人拍电报说将及时付款;~(to) sb to come home/buy oil shares 给某人拍电报要其回家/购买石油股票;〖同〗cable,telegraph;

(4)用电报发送,电汇(send sth to sb by telegraph)[D+n+nD+n+prep (to)](infml)(尤 AmE): They~d us their congratulations/their condolence. 他们给我们发来贺电/唁电。~sb money to order the goods 给某人电汇钱订货; The family~the living expenses to their son every month. 家里每月给他们的儿子电汇生活费。The money's being~d to the bank. 钱正被电汇到银行。~the details/the result/the good news to sb 给某人拍电报告知详情/结果/好消息; I'll~off the money as soon as I get your signed contract. 我一接到你们签好的合同即电报汇款。〖同〗cable,telegraph;

→′wiring n 配(布,接)线;

【辨异】wire cordropestring thread 的区别见CORD。





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