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单词 wine
wine/waɪn/ n v [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)葡萄酒(drink made of grapes)[UC]:red/white/dry/sweet~红/白/干/甜葡萄酒; medicated/mellow/mild/old~药/醇/淡/陈酒; fruity~味醇的酒; a barrel/bottle/glass of~一桶/瓶/杯酒; warm up/water the~温酒/在酒中掺水; drink/taste/heat/sample~饮/品尝/烫/抽样检查酒; indulge in/cut out~酗/戒酒; The~is brewed from good grapes/from a famous vineyard. 这酒是由上等的葡萄/著名的葡萄园酿造的。takewith sb 和某人互相祝酒; May I help you to some~? 我能给您敬酒吗?(sb) be in~喝得高兴;newin an old bottle 旧瓶装新酒;We stock a wide range of inexpensive~s. 我们存有各种各样的廉价酒。She poured him a cup of~. 她给他倒了一杯酒。You smell of~. 你浑身酒气。This~does not agree with me. 这酒不合我胃口。〖同〗liquor,alcohol;

(2)果酒(drink made from fruits of some plants)[UC]:table/green/apple~佐餐/新/苹果酒;home-made rhubarb~家酿大黄酒;

(3)紫红色(dark red)[U][作attrib]: The girl was wearing a~coloured costume/velvet evening dress. 这个女孩穿着紫红色的衣服/丝绒晚礼服。


wine and dine 用酒宴款待 (entertain or be entertained with wine and food): We~ed and dined (them) until late into the night. 我们用酒宴款待(他们)直至深夜。The guests were~ed and dined very well. 客人们在酒宴上受到热情的款待。Some people indulge in~ing and dining. 有些人沉醉于酒宴之中。〖同〗entertain;

→′winebibber n 酒徒;′wine-bottle n 酒瓶;′wine-cellar n 酒窖;′wineglass n 酒杯;′winegrower n 种葡萄酿酒的人;′winepress n 制酒压榨器;′winery n 酿酒厂;′wineskin n 皮酒囊





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