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单词 wind
wind1/wɪnd/ n vt [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)风(strong moving air)[CU]:a 70-mile-an-hour~时速70英里的风; force 7~7级风; north/east/north-east~北/东/东北风; The~chopped to the west/changed from north to east. 风向突然转西/由北转东。face a biting~迎着刺骨的寒风; meet(a) high (strong/heavy/fierce/stiff)~遇到强风;sail with a free~/against the~顺风/逆风航行;The~blew down several trees/shook some blossoms from the trees/blew my hat off. 风吹倒了几棵树/吹落了树上的花/把我的帽子刮掉了。The~died away/dropped considerably/fell during the night. 风势渐息/明显减弱/在夜间减弱。The~sat in the west. 刮西风。flap/flutter in the~在风中摆动/摇动;There is not a breath of~. 一点儿风都没有。A sudden gust of~blew the door shut. 一阵急风把门刮得关上了。A soft~kissed the treetops. 轻风吹拂着树梢。What(good)~brings/blows you here?(infml)是什么风把你给吹来了? learn the news by a side~(fig) 间接知道这个消息; to the four~s (fig)(吹、撒)向四面八方;〖同〗breeze,draft,gust,windstorm;〖反〗calm,calmness,stillness;
 (2)气味(smell or odour)[U]: If the deer catches (gets)~of us,he'll run into the woods. 如果鹿闻到我们的气味,它就会跑进树林。Garlic gives me strong~. 我吃了大蒜,嘴里气味很大。〖同〗smell,odour;
 (3)呼吸,空气(breath or air)[U]:regain/recover~缓/歇口气; lose one's~上气不接下气; pump some~into the tire 给轮胎充气; It took him a while to get his~. 他过了一会儿才喘过气来。He couldn't get his~after his run. 他跑完之后喘不过气来。Climbing these stairs takes all the~out of me. 登上这些台阶使我上气不接下气。A runner needs a good~. 赛跑的人需要充足的呼吸。〖同〗breath,air;
 (4)肠胃中的气体(air or gas in the stomach)[U]:suffer from/be troubled with~患肠气症; get a baby's~up 拍抚婴儿后背使之打嗝; His stomach pains were due to~. 他胃痛是肠气所致。You get~when you eat too quickly. 你吃饭速度太快会胀肚的。Small babies often get~. 婴儿经常肚胀。〖同〗air,gas;
 (5)空话(words without meaning)[U]:There is much~in what he said. 他说的尽是空话。His argument/speech is but~. 他的论据/讲演不过是空话而已。That speaker is full of/a load of/a lot of~. 那个讲演者空话连篇。He's all~. 他完全是吹牛。〖同〗boasting,talk,chat;
 (6)管乐;管乐吹奏者((players of) a group of wind instruments)[Gpthe~]:the~section of an orchestra 乐队的管乐组;~instruments 管乐器;music for strings and~管弦乐;The strings were drowned by the~. 弦乐被管乐压倒了。The~is/are playing too loud. 管乐演奏的声音太大了。In this passage the~carry the melody. 这一乐章由管乐演奏主调。
 beat the wind 白费劲儿:All you are doing is to beat the~. 你干这些是徒劳的。
 break wind 放屁: There is a stinking smell. Who broke~? 有股臭味,谁放屁了?
 get one's second wind 1)呼吸顺利起来:Once a runner gets his second~,he can run faster. 一旦赛跑者的呼吸顺畅起来,他就能跑得更快。2)重新感到活力:After he got his second~, Tom was working much harder. 汤姆重新振作精神之后,工作更努力了。
 get/catch wind of 听到风声:The police got/caught~of a robbery planned for tonight. 警察得到风声,说有人预谋今晚实施抢劫。
 get/have the wind up about 受惊,害怕(infml): She got the~up about our speedy driving. 她因我们飞速驾车吓坏了。
 get/put the wind up sb 使某人害怕(紧张)(infml): These new tactics of the police have really put the~up the local drug dealers. 警察的新策略的确使当地的毒品贩子惊慌不已。
 in the wind 1)即将发生:There is something in the~. 好像要出事了。2)传闻:It's in the~that he will be promoted. 传闻他要被提升。
 like the wind 快得像风似的:The horse galloped away like the~. 马像一阵风似的急驰而去。
 raise the wind 1)筹款:You could raise the~by selling your stamp collection. 你可以卖集邮品筹款。2)引起骚乱:He raised the~over the inferior merchandise. 他因那些劣等货而引起骚乱。
 take the wind out of sb's sails 使某人气馁或泄气(infml):The new player took the~out of the champion's sails by beating him in the first game. 新选手第一局就打败了冠军,使那冠军十分丧气。
 a wind of change 变化的趋势(影响):There is a~of change in the public opinion. 公众的观点有改变的趋势。
 →′windbag n 说空话的人;′wind-break n 防护林或防风篱笆;′wind-cheater,AmE ′wind-breaker n 防风夹克;′windfall n 吹落的果实;意外的好运;′wind-gauge n 风力计;′windily adv 多风地;′windless adj 无风的;′windmill n 风车;′windiness n 多风;′windpipe n 气管;′windscreen,AmE ′windshield n(机动车的)挡风玻璃窗;′wind-sock,′wind-sleeve n 风向袋;′windsurf v 帆板冲浪;′windsurfer n 帆板运动员;′windsurfing n 帆板运动;′wind-swept adj 受强风吹的;′windward adj & adv 上风的(地);′windy adj 多风的;
 vt (1)使呼吸急促(cause to be breathless)[T+n]:The long climbing~ed us. 长时间的登山使我们上气不接下气。I was~ed by the force of sb's punch/the heavy punch to the stomach. 我的肚子被重重地挨了一拳而喘不上气来。〖同〗breath,air;
 (2)使喘口气(get breath)[T+n]:~the animals/the horses at the top of the hill 到山顶让牲畜/马匹喘口气;〖同〗breath,air;
 (3)助……打嗝(help sb to expel wind from the stomach)[T+n]:~a baby(拍后背)帮助婴儿打出嗝来;
 (4)嗅(闻)出(smell the presence of)[T+n]:The hound had~ed the fox. 猎犬嗅出狐狸的气味。〖同〗smell;
 【辨异】wind1 airblastbreeze gust 的区别见AIR。





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