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单词 win
win/wɪn/ v wonwon/wʌn/;-nn-]; n

v (1)赢,获胜(defeat one's opponent)[IT+n]:~at cards/tennis/chess 打牌/打网球/下棋赢了;~by a length 以一马之长的距离获胜;~by a neck/by a whisker 险胜/差一点儿失败;~by chance 偶然获胜; We won by scoring in the last minute. 我们终场前一分钟得分取胜。~a bet (a wager) 赢一赌注;Which team won the football match/the race/the 200-meter freestyle? 哪个队赢了足球比赛/竞赛/200米自由泳?~a game by a lopsided score of 10 to 2 以10比2一边倒的比分获胜;〖同〗triumph,conquer,defeat,overcome;〖反〗lose,fail,miss;

(2)赢(获)得(gain or receive as a result of victory)[T+nT+n+prep(from)]:~first/second/third prize 获得一/二/三等奖;~a cup/a shield 获得奖杯/奖章;~a lot of money/the boxing trophy/four points 赢了许多钱/赢得拳击赛的奖品/赢了四分;~sb's hand 求婚得到同意;The party won a fine victory in the election/the convincing victory at the polls/the Republic nomination. 该党在选举中获得辉煌胜利/在大选中获得令人信服的胜利/获共和党提名。~a place for oneself 获得一席之地;Who won the war? 谁赢了这场战争? The party tries to~more members from the opposition party. 该党试图从反对党中赢得更多的支持者。~a living from the soil/$10 from me 种地谋生/赢了我10美元;〖同〗earn,gain,achieve;〖反〗lose,fail,miss;

(3)获得或达到(gain by effort or ability)[T+n]:~sb's friendship/sb's support/sb's respect/sb's approval/sb's heart/sb's love 得到某人的友谊/支持/尊敬/赞同/心/爱情;~one's diploma/one's rights 获得自己的毕业文凭/权利;~great honour 获得很大的荣誉;In this way,they can~converts to their cause. 用这种方法,他们可以使人们改变看法,支持他们的事业。They won concessions on pay conditions/honour/glory. 他们赢得了工资待遇方面的让步/敬意/荣誉。They finally won the shore/the summit/the top of the mountain. 他们最后终于到达了海边/顶峰/山顶。He won this post after years of striving. 他经过多年的努力获得了这个职位。〖同〗get,gain,reach,achieve;〖反〗lose;

(4)使……获(取)得某物(cause to gain or achieve sth)[D+n+nD+n+prep(for)]:His new poems won him considerable critical acclaim/the first prize. 他的新诗获得评论界的赞扬/一等奖。His speech may~him the Democratic nomination. 他的讲演可能使他获得民主党的提名。By her hard work she won herself a place (a place for herself) at university. 努力学习使她在大学获得一席之地。This won the first prize for him. 这使他获得一等奖。Mary won herself honour. 玛莉为自己赢得荣誉。〖同〗gain,defeat;〖反〗lose;

win free 摆脱困境,赢得自由:The young man was glad to~free of his mother's control at last. 这位年轻人为最终摆脱了母亲的控制而高兴。

win hands down 轻易获胜(infml):The host team won (the game) hands down. 主队轻易获得(这场比赛的)胜利。

win one's spurs 获得荣誉或名声(fml):Our team hasn't won its spurs. 我们队未赢得荣誉。

win or lose 无论成败:W~or lose,it should be a very good match. 姑且不论胜负,这场比赛想必十分精彩。

win against (v prep) 1)克服(vt):~against all the obstacles/the difficulties 克服一切障碍/困难而获胜;2)获胜(vt):China won against the Japanese by the heavy score of 108 to 71 in the basket game. 在那场篮球比赛中,中国队以108比71的悬殊比分大胜日本队。

win back (v adv) 重新获得某物(人)(vt):The team are determined to~back the champion next year. 这个队决心明年夺回冠军。

win out (v adv) 摆脱困境而成功 (vi) (infml):You're sure to~out in spite of early difficulties. 尽管一开始会遇到困难,你一定会成功的。

win out over(v adv prep)胜过(vt):Your products are sure to~out over those of your competitors. 你们的产品一定能超过对手的产品。

win over/round (v adv)获得某人的支持(vt): At last,we won him round (over) to our point of view. 最后,我们终于使他支持我们的观点。

win through (v adv) 经历辛苦而获成功(vi)(infml): With his great help,we won through. 在他的大力帮助下,我们终于获得成功。

→′winner n 获胜者;′winning adj 获胜的;有说服力的;′winnings n 赢得物(尤指钱);

n胜,赢(success or victory in a game or contest) [C]: 3~s and 2 losses 三胜两负;have 2~s and no defeat 两战两胜; the first~首次获胜;have a big~on the football pools 在足球赌注中大赚了一笔; have a run of~s in December 12月份连续获胜;Four more~s and the team will clinch the championship. 再赢四场,这个队便将获得冠军。There was a~for his horse in the last race. 在最后一场比赛中,他的马获胜。

【辨异】1)win beat defeat 的区别见BEAT。2)win achieveacquireattaingainobtainearn get 的区别见ACHIEVE。





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