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单词 willing
willing/′wɪlɪ ŋ/ adj

(1)愿意帮忙的;喜欢做的,热心的(delighted or ready to help): a~assistant/helper/volunteer /hand /participant/worker/boy 热心的助手/帮忙者/自愿者/帮手/参加者/工作者/男孩;Nothing is impossible to aheart.(prov)世上无难事,只怕有心人。If the management is~,the talks can be held today. 如果资方愿意,谈判今天就可以举行。The~often shoulder the burdens of the lazy. 勤快人常要为懒人代劳。〖同〗inclined,content,ready,enthusiastic;〖反〗unwilling,disinclined,reluctant,ill-hearted;

(2)自愿的(done or given readily or gladly)[作attrib]:~co-operation/help/support 自愿的合作/帮助/支持;~obedience 心甘情愿的服从;give~services 提供热心的服务;

(3)愿意的(tending to do)[A+to-infA+that][作pred]:be~to follow sb's example/to pay a reasonable price/to accept responsibility 愿意以某人为榜样/付合理的价钱/承担责任; I was~to marry her. 我愿意和她结婚。be~for sb to do sth 乐意让某人去做某事; Are you~that he (should) be allowed to join/your son take some other profession? 你愿意让他参加/你儿子从事其他工作吗? 〖同〗favourable,inclined,content,agreeable;〖反〗unwilling,disinclined,reluctant;

a willing horse 任劳任怨的人: She's a~horse, doing anything she is told to. 她任劳任怨,让干什么就干什么。

←will v;

→′willinghearted adj 心甘情愿的;′willingly adv 愿意地;′willingness n 心甘情愿





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