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单词 wicked
wicked/′wɪkɪd/ adj [-er/-est

(1)缺德的,恶劣的(morally wrong or very bad):~cruelty/habits/weather 残忍的行为/坏习惯/恶劣的天气;What a~man he is! 他是一个多么缺德的人呀! It's a~waste of money. 这是在挥霍钱财。That is a~thing to do. 干那事是缺德的。W~deeds must be repented. 对不道德的行为必然会感到后悔。It is~(of you) to make other people suffer/to torment the poor cat.(你)让他人遭受痛苦/折磨那只可怜的猫可真缺德。Cruelty to animal is~. 残忍地对待动物是不道德的。I have such a~toothache/cough. I'm in agony. 我牙痛/咳嗽得厉害,真让我痛苦不堪。The prices there are~.(fig)那里的价格太邪乎了。There is no peace/rest for the~. 恶人永无宁日。〖同〗evil,immoral,dishonourable,disgraceful;〖反〗moral,upright,righteous,noble,honest;

(2)十分危险的,恶毒的(very dangerous and harmful): a~man/lie/plot/blow 恶毒的人/谎言/阴谋/打击;a~-looking knife/murderer 杀气腾腾的刀/凶手;~stench/odour 有害的臭气/气味; The bull had gored them with its~horns. 公牛用两只尖利的角把他们抵伤了。〖同〗dangerous,harmful;〖反〗safe;

(3)顽皮的,恶作剧的(behaving badly): a~grin/joke/smile/sense of humour调皮的咧嘴笑/玩笑/微笑/幽默感; the~wit of the cartoonist 漫画家带有恶作剧色彩的聪明才智;W~children should be punished. 淘气的孩子应受到惩罚。You~girl! 你这个顽皮的小姑娘! He had a~twinkle in his eye. 他顽皮地眨了一下眼睛。〖同〗naughty,mischievous;〖反〗well-behaved,well-mannered,obedient;

→′wickedly adv 邪恶地;′wickedness n 邪(罪)恶;

【辨异】wicked badill evil 的区别见BAD。





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