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单词 why
why/waɪ/ adv [无comp]; interj & n

adv (1)为什么(for which reason)(作疑问词): W~are you late again/angry/so happy today? 你为什么今天又迟到了/生气/如此高兴? W~didn't you ask my advice/select a nice subject? 你为什么不征求我的意见/选择一个好的题目?Do you know~he didn't come/such an accident happened? 你知道他为什么不来/会发生这样的事故吗?

(2)为什么要(on which grounds):W~split hairs over such triflings? 为什么对这样的琐事斤斤计较呢?W~bother to go there yourself/risk breaking the traffic law?为什么要亲自去/冒险违反交通法规呢?W~is that? 为什么要那样?

(3)因由(reason for which)(作关系词,尤用于reason 之后): That's the reason~I'm so tired/came early. 这就是我疲倦/早来的原因。Give me one good reason~I should help you! 讲出我为什么应该帮助你的一个正当理由! Is that~you did it? 这就是你干那事儿的理由吗? W~he shot her isn't important. 他向她开枪的原因并不重要。

why ever (表示惊讶)究竟,为什么,怎么:W~ever didn't you tell me earlier? 你怎么不早告诉我呢? W~ever did he do such a thing? 他究竟为什么做这样的事?

why not (用来提建议或同意某一建议)为什么不:W~not try it again/get down to business now? 为什么不再试一下/现在就着手办正事呢? “Can I come, too? ”“I don't see~not.”“我也能来吗? ”“为什么不能呢? ”W~not? 为什么不呢?

interj 嗨,呦(used to express surprise or impatienceetc)(用以表示惊讶或不耐烦等):W~,here's what I was looking for. 啊!这正是我在寻找的。W~!W~! The box is empty! 哎呀!哎呀!盒子是空的!W~,what a bruise you have got! 哎呀!你怎么伤成这样!

n原因,疑难事(reason or something unknown)[C]: Everyhas a/its wherefore.(prov) 凡事必有因。Life is full of~s. 生活中充满了许多不解之迷。

the whys and (the) wherefores 缘故,理由: I don't want all the~s and the wherefores,but the results. 我不想知道任何的缘由,只要结果。〖同〗reason





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