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单词 perish
释义 perish /'pertf; 'pen/ vi, vt 1 [VP2A, C] (liter or journalism) be destroyed, come to an end, die: (文或新闻学) 毁灭; 死亡: Hundreds of people ~ed in the earthquake. 数以百计的人死于那次地震。 I shall do it or ~ in the attempt. 我要拼死一试。 P~ the thought! May even the thought die! 死了这条心吧!千万不要存这种念头! 2 [VP6A] (of cold or exposure; usu passive) reduce to distress or inefficiency: (M寒冷或暴露; 通常用被动语态) 使陷于痛苦或无能: We were ~ed with cold/hunger. 我们冻 (饿) 得要死。 3 [VP6A, 2A] (cause to) lose natural qualities; decay: (使) 失去本质; (使) 损坏: The rubber belt on this machine has ~ed, has lost its elasticity. 这机器上的橡皮带已失去弹性。 Oil on your car tyres will ~ them. 在你车胎上的油将会使车胎损坏。 ~able /-sbl; -abl/ adj (esp of food) quickly or easily going bad. (尤指食物) 易坏的。 ~ables n pl (esp) goods that go bad if delayed in transit, eg fish, fresh fruit. (尤指) 易坏的物品 (如鱼、新鲜水果) 。 ~ m n (sl) person who is unpleasant and disliked; naughty child. (俚) 讨厌鬼; 顽皮的孩子。




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