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单词 whole
whole/hə ʊl, AmE hoʊl/ adj [无comp]; n

adj (1)完全(全部,整个)的(full amount of)[作attrib]:three~days/weeks 整三天/周; a~month 一整月; a~holiday 全日假; a~cake/pizza 整个蛋糕/比萨饼; the~town/country/nation/world 全镇/国/民族/世界; the~affair/matter/thing 整个事件/事情/事情; the~lot 所有东西; the~staff/building 全体员工/整幢楼; a~new way of life/bunch of things 一种全新的生活方式/一连串的事情; in my~life 在我的一生中; He sat next to me in the car and slept the~way. 在汽车里,他坐在我旁边睡了一路。He cried the~trip. 他哭了一道。You did not tell me the~truth. 你没有把全部实情告诉我。〖同〗entire,complete,full,total;〖反〗partial,incomplete;

(2)完整(无损)的 (not damaged or broken): a~human skeleton 一个完整的人骨架;Fortunately,the plates were still~. 幸好盘子仍完整无损。cook sth~整个儿烹饪某物; I ordered a~bottle of wine,waiter,not a half bottle. 服务员,我要的是一整瓶酒,不是半瓶。He swallowed the hot dog/the biscuit~,without chewing it at all. 他一点儿也不咀嚼,囫囵吞下热狗/饼干。Is~milk healthier than skimmed? 全脂牛奶是不是比脱脂牛奶更有益健康?(sb) be~again (infml) 身体痊愈;Those who were ill have been made~again.(fml) (fig) 生病的那些人已痊愈。〖同〗entire,unbroken,complete;〖反〗divided,cut,broken,fractional;

go the whole hog 彻底地做某事(infml):You have to go the~hog,and cannot just leave something undone. 你做事必须彻底,不能留下些没干的。

a whole lot (of sth) 大量(infml): There is a~lot of excuses/reasons/troubles for taking over this job. 接管这项工作有许多借口/理由/麻烦。

the whole day long 整天:We were doing packing the~day long. 我们一整天都在打包。The boy was watching TV the~day long. 这个孩子一整天都在看电视。

the whole time 一直地: The mother worried the~time about her sick child. 母亲一直为她生病的孩子焦虑不安。

n(1)整体(个),全体(all)[C]:an organic/undivided~有机/不可分割的整体;a united~统一的整体;Two halves/Four quarters make a~. 两个一半/四个四分之一构成一个整体。The different parts were joined to form a~. 由不同的部分联合成一个整体。How big is that in comparison with the~? 那部分与整体相比有多大?The earth's weather system is an integrated~. 全球的气象系统是一个不可分割的整体。The individual is only a part of the social~. 个人只是社会整体的一部分。〖同〗totality,entirety,unit,completeness;〖反〗part,piece,division,portion;

(2)某事物的全部(complete amountthingetc)[Ua~][N(of)]: the~of the morning/one week/July 整个早晨/星期/7月份; the~of a year 整整一年;the~of Europe/that area/this region 整个欧洲/地区/区域; the~of his family 他全家; finish the~of it 全部完成; know the~of one's trade 精通自己的本行; throw the~of oneself into the work 全力投入工作; Buying the house took the~of his savings. 买房花费了他所有的积蓄。They have used up the~of their food supply. 他们吃光了所有的食品。The~of my money was stolen. 我的钱全部被偷。These items make up the~of the contract. 整个合同由这些条款组成。〖同〗total,sum,body;〖反〗part,piece,division,portion;

as a whole 作为整体:We have to view these things as a~, not one by one. 我们必须整体地而不是孤立地看待这些事情。

on the whole 总的说来:We have had a good summer on the~. 总的说来我们夏天过得不错。

→͵whole-′hearted adj 全心全意的;͵whole-′heartedly adv 全心全意地;͵whole-′length n & adj 全身(的),全部(的);′wholemeal n & adj 全麦面(的);′wholeness n 完整;′wholly adv 完全地,全部地;′wholesale nadj & adv 批发(的,地);v 批发;′wholesome adj 有益健康的,显示健康的





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