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单词 perch
释义 perch2 /pxtf; pst/ n 1 bird's resting-place, eg a branch; bar or rod provided, eg in a bird-cage, a hen-roost, for this purpose. 鸟的栖息之所(如树枝); (鸟笼或杂笼中的)栖木。 2 (colloq) high position occupied by a person; elevated and secure position: (俗)某人所居的高位; 高而安全的地位: come off your ~, (colloq) stop being so superior (in manner, etc); (俗)别趾高气扬; knock sb off his ~, stop sb being too confident and superior. 打败某人; 挫某人锐气。 3 (also 亦作 pole, rod) measure of length, esp for land, 5) yds; 杆(长度单位, 尤用于丈量土地,等于 5? 码); square ~, 30) sq yds. 平方杆 (等于如!平方码)。 → App 5. 参看附录五。 vi, vt 1 [VP2C] alight: 栖息; 栖止; 停歇: The birds ~ed upon the television aerial. 鸟栖在电视天线上。 2 [VP2C] (of a person) take up a position (usu on sth high): (指人)就位(于高处): ~ed on stools at the bar. 坐在酒吧间里的盘子上。 3 (chiefly in pp) (of buildings) be situated (on sth high): (主要用过去分词)(指建筑物)位于(高处): a castle ~ed on a rock. 位于岩上的堡垒。




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