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单词 book
book/bʊk/ n & v

n (1) 书(籍)(collection of printed or written pages fastened together in a cover as a thing to be read)[C]:The best way to get a child to read is to have many~s in the house.使孩子爱读书的最好办法是家里有大量藏书。travel/law/telephone~s游记/法典/电话簿; write/read/finish a~写/读/读完一本书;a leather-bound~皮面书;

(2) 卷,篇(any of the main divisions or parts of a big written or printed work)[C]:an epic in ten~s 一部10卷的叙事诗;the~s of the Bible 《圣经》诸篇章;

(3) 簿(册,本)子(number of blank or lined sheets of paper fastened together in a cover and used for writing in)[C]:an address/autograph/exercise-~地址本/题名册/练习本;a visitors'/note-~留言簿/笔记本;

(4) 本(packet of similar things fastened together in the shape of a book)[C]:a~of stamps/tickets/matches一本邮票/票/簿装火柴;cheque~支票本;

(5) 账本(volume in which records of the finances of business are kept; accounts)[pl]:keep~s 记账; do the~s 核账;audit the~s 审账;go over one's~s and check the total 核账以核对总钱数;

(6) 电话簿(telephone book)[Cthe~]:I've looked him up, but he's not in the~yet. 我查过了,电话簿上还没有他的电话号码。

by the book 严格遵守规则:We must always be careful to do things by the~.我们应该总是小心翼翼地遵照规则办事。

like a book 文绉绉地:He speaks like a~all the time.他说话总是文绉绉的。

→′bookbinder n 书的装订工;′bookbinding n 装订(书);′bookcase n 书架;′bookend n 书挡;′bookish adj 书生气的;′bookkeeper n 记账员;′bookkeeping n 记账;′booklet n 小册子;′bookmaker, bookie n 以赌马为业的人;′bookmaking n 赌马赛;′bookmark(er) n 书签;′book-plate n 藏书签;′bookseller n 书商;′bookshop, AmE ′bookstore n 书店;′bookstall n 书报摊;′bookworm n 书虫;书呆子;

v (1) (预)订 (arrange in advance to have (a placeticketetc))[I I+adv(up), T+n T+n+adv(up), D+n+n D+n+prep(for), T+n+prep(on)]:You'll have to~(up) early/in advance.你得早点/提前订票。~a room/a seat/a ticket (for sb)(为某人)预订房间/座位/票;~a table for four for tomorrow night 订一张明天晚上的四人餐桌;The performance/hotel/hall was~ed up.演出的票/旅馆的房间/礼堂预订出去了。We're~ed on the next flight.我们已订好下一航班的票。

(2) 登记备案(write down charges against sb in a police record)[T+n](infml):~sb on a charge of speeding/for suspicion of robbery/for kicking players in the other team/for foul play 登记某人超速行车/有行窃嫌疑/踢对方球员/犯规以备案;He was~ed for speeding.他因超速行车被警察登记在案了。~a suspect将一嫌疑犯登记在案;

book in (v adv) 1) 住旅馆登记 (vi):We~ed in at the Royal Hotel as soon as we arrived.我们一到就在皇家旅馆登记了住宿。2)给……预订房间(vt):I've~ed you in at this restaurant.我已给你在这家饭店订好了房间。

→′bookable adj 可预订的;′booking n 预订;′booking-clerk n 售票员;′booking-office n 售票处





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