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单词 penny
释义 penny /'pem; 'pem/ n (pl pence /pens; pens/ when combined with numbers, as in 'sixpence, 'tenence, eighteen'pence; pl pennies /'peniz; 'prnir/ when used of individual coins: 员驳目字连用时, 复数为 pence, 如, sixpence 六便士,tenpence 十便士,eighteenpence 十八便士; 指硬币的个数时,复数为 pennies: Please give me ten pennies for this tenpence piece. 请把这个十便士的铜币换成十个便士。) → App 5. 参看附录五。 1 (until 1971) British bronze coin (abbr 略作 d) worth one twelfth of a shilling. (到 1971 年为止) 便士 (价値十二分之一先令的英国铜币) 。 2 (since decimal coinage was introduced, 1971) British bronze coin (abbr 略作 p) worth one hundredth of a pound: (1971年采亩十强位币制之后) (新) 便士 (价値百分之一英镑): These cigarettes are 70 pence a packet. 这些香烟卖七十便士一包。 3 (US colloq) cent. (美俗) 一分 (等于 cent)。 4 (phrases, all pre-1971 in origin) (片谓用法,全部沿用 1971 年以前用法) (cost) a pretty, a large sum of money. (値) 很多钱。 in for 9 ~, in for a pound, sth that one has begun must be finished, whatever the cost may be. 一不做,二不休; 一旦开始, 无论如何必须完成。 ~ wise and pound foolish, careful in small matters and wasteful in large matters. 小处节省,大处浪费; 小处聪明,大处糊涂; 明于小事而昧于大事。 turn an honest ~, earn a little money honestly. 正正当当地赚一点钱。 5 (compounds) (复合字) ~ 'dreadful, (colloq) cheap, sensational, popular novel, etc. (俗) 耸人赢闻而且很流行的廉价小说等。 ' ~ pincher, (colloq) miser. (U)守财奴; 吝啬鬼。 ' ~ pinching adj mean; miserly. 吝福、。 '~weight n 24 grains, one-twentieth of an ounce Troy. (英国金冲制) 英佥 (二十四兴或二十分之一隔重) 。点 App 5. 参看附录五。,~ 'whistle, simple, cheap musical pipe. 一种简单、 便宜的小笛。 '~worth (also 亦作 penn'orth /'pen 。; .| pen 词) n as much as can be bought for a 一便士之値; 値一便士之物。 a good/bad ~ worth, a good/bad bargain. 合食 (不合算) 的交易。 6 (from the use of pennies in coin-operated machines, locks on doors, etc). (下列用法源出于投便士开转的机器、门锁等) 。 spend a ~, (colloq) urinate. (U) 小便。 The ~ dropped. The desired result was achieved, the meaning of a remark, etc was understood. 目的已达到; 话已听明白。




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